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Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Sorry for the dearth of updates. We've been pretty busy this month with friends and family visiting.

So how go the twins? They're starting to sleep for longer stretches during the night. Sometimes only one will need to be fed and/or changed during the night, and we've even had one time when both slept the whole night through!

JoeJoe's been babbling for quite a while, and yesterday Emma decided to join in. And not just a little bit. She was talking all night, almost as if she hadn't said anything before because she didn't have anything to tell us yet.

They're also eating a lot more now, sometimes surprising us in their appetites. They also seem to be teething a bit because they often chew on the nipple when they've got their bottle, without actually sucking any formula out. Poor Emma had to have a washcloth with an icecube in it on her gums before she calmed down enough to eat last night.

And, of course, there are pictures. I'll pick a few from the last month. You can always check out more at the flickr site.

Fun with Toys