Pregnancy Ticker


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Four Month Appointment

The twinks had their 4 month appointment yesterday.

Emma is now 13 lbs 13 oz, putting her right on the 50% line for weight for full term babies at 4 months. She's 24 in long, which is between the 25th and 50th percentile, an improvement from 2 months when she was under the 25th percentile. Her head is still a bit smallish, but is not too far off of average.

Joseph is 13 lbs 4 oz, which has him between the 25th and 50th percentile. It's odd, because he eats more than her, but he also spits up a lot, so that explains the difference. He is also 24 in long. His head is well over the 50th percentile. All his food is going to his brain, I guess, which isn't so bad.

We finally get to start supplementing their formula with rice cereal. This will be much appreciated as their formula runs $150/week. Yikes. We start out slowly, of course, and will increase the cereal in the coming weeks.

Finally, they got their 4-month immunizations. They were not happy babies. Their little band-aids were cute, despite the reason they were necessary.

We Don't Like Shots

Just like last time, they weren't very happy the rest of the night. We ended up getting them baths an hour early and everyone was in bed before 9. Everyone included their exhausted parents, too. After an exciting weekend of grocery shopping and visiting family, the babies and we were just plain whipped out, and the immunizations just put us over the top.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Cubbie Kiddies

So, the kids aren't sleeping through the night anymore, sadly. The problem is that after their bath, they no longer seem to want to eat, but fall asleep pretty quickly. It was that last "snack" before bedtime that seemed to get them through. Hopefully this is a temporary situation.

In the meantime, let's just see how cute they are.

Go Cubbies!

Babies at Dad's Birthday

Final Four on the Floor

Final Four on the Floor

Final Four on the Floor