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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day!

The Twinx started the day spending some quality time together while we went through some of their older clothes.

Crib Time!

We then went to GranJan and PapaJoe's for some BBQ and swimming. Maddy thought JoeJoe was "Coooool!"


The twinx were not that happy with swimming. Perhaps the water was too cooool.



JoeJoe like laying out instead.

Laid Back

This, they can handle.


Maddy and Hannah, however, had much fun swimming, even if they weren't as good at sharing.


Jude wasn't sure which theater he'd be inserted into, so he wore 3 kinds of camo, just in case.

Oh Jude

Maybe next year the twinx will enjoy the pool like this.


Buh Bye, Now!

Peeky Boo

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Five Months

The twinx turned 5 months on Friday. Most of this last week they've been sick, so they ended up going to the doc at exactly 5 months. Emma is 15 lbs and Joseph is 14 lbs, 10 oz. They're both between the 25th and 50th percentile for full term babies, which is great since they were a month early. Turns out they have had rotovirus and RSV; essentially we've got a mess at both ends. Add to that the fact that they've gotten us sick, so we are a house of infirmity right now.

The kids got Sarah some lilies for Mother's Day. They were delivered to her work, but, alas, she was at home with sick babies. She's got them now, though.

Mother's Day Lilies

The kids are babbling even more now. When trying to get JoeJoe to eat some rice cereal, I kept going "Mmmm" so he'd close his mouth and swallow. Now he will have entire conversations with his toys with his mouth closed. Emma's got the "ggggg" sound in the back of her throat down. We joke that JoeJoe should speak Spanish or French and Emma should speak German.

Here's a pic of the pretty girl from a few weeks ago.

Kiddie Time

Speaking of the rice cereal, Emma took right to it. JoeJoe didn't seem to get the hang of eating off a spoon for a while, but we think it's because we were trying to feed him when he wasn't that hungry, as he's done better when we fed him at a later time. We really want them to take to the rice cereal, as it's way cheaper than the formula. One thing that Sarah and I have joked about is how much work it is to teach kids to eat. Who knew it wasn't super easy (I know, all you parents knew)?