Pregnancy Ticker


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cumulative 1 Year Old!

The Twinx had their 6 mo. checkup yesterday. They are progressing well and are even ahead of full term babies, based on their development benchmarks. They roll over from back to front and front to back, they grasp objects, move them from hand to hand, follow lights and voices, and "talk" with people. Neither can sit up from laying down, but Emma can stay up for a while, until something catches her attention, and she falls in its direction.

The data:

Emma is in the 75th percentile for height and weight, meaning she is taller and heavier than 3/4 of 6 mo. old babies who were born at full term. Her head is now at the 50th percentile.

Joseph is up to just above the 25th percentile in height and weight, so he's only bigger than 1/4 of 6 mo. old babies born at full term. However, JoeJoe's head is near the 80th percentile. Go, Go, Gadget Brain!

They got 3 more immunizations, and they were sore displeased. JoeJoe is the king of the silent cry, where he is so upset that no sound comes out until he can get another breath, which is often several seconds. Emma wastes no time and cries right away.

After we got home, we played in the exersaucer and the jumperoo, and they had a blast. I'll get pictures posted sometime later tonight (hopefully).

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Chicken In The Car And The Car Won't Go

We're up in Chicago, visiting family and taking a mini-vacation.

Emma had a pretty dress on for her arrival, but it was, "soiled," during our layover in Dallas, so she got a 2T Tay-Haas shirt from the airport gift shop.

Emma Got An Airport Shirt

We had breakfast with Grandpa Olson.

After Omega

The twinx had fun with their cousins and aunt.


Even Bathtime was fun.



My dad and I went to Wrigley while the babies went shopping.

Cubs Game (Thanks Jimmy!)

Cubs Game (Thanks Jimmy!)

Jim Edmonds got us our seats (which were great) and he had a pretty good game, with a triple, a double, and 2 RBI.

Cubs Game (Thanks Jimmy!)

Emma <3's PapaJoe.

Emma and PapaJoe

JoeJoe is a silly boy.

Nice Hat!

We also went to the Art Institute of Chicago, which my dad has wanted to go to for over 35 years.



The Bean at Millennium Park is pretty cool.

The Bean

The Bean

Babies in the Bean!

The Bean

And that most famous of landmarks, Superdawg!
