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Monday, September 15, 2008

9 Month Update

The Twinks have now been out longer than they were in.

As of their last appointment, Emma is 27.75" tall, 19 lb 1 oz, and her head is 17.5" around.

Joseph is the exact same height, is 18 lb 15 oz, and his head is 18.25" around.

They are both quite talkative these days, although most of it is gibberish. Emma's first word was "yay!" as she clapped. She followed them quickly with MaMa (in her "sweet voice") and DaDa. JoeJoe's first word was DaDa. They both cluck their tongues and make lots of fun noises.

Emma crawls around pretty well, while JoeJoe is still working on it. He's not as interested as getting around as Emma is. He's slowly starting to get more motivated, though, and should be getting around soon.

In conclusion, here are a couple of pictures of the kids with some funny hairdos, compliments of their sitter.

Not Quite Faux Hawk
