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Friday, April 24, 2009

The Importance of Being Emma

As I mentioned last time, Emma is very big on "Mine!" lately, something which we are battling against constantly. I provide, as evidence, what was to be a cute video of JoeJoe playing with his The Cheat, while Emma was happily playing with her cell phone. As you'll soon see, what is JoeJoe's is Emma's, and what is Emma's is Emma's.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hit Me With a Double

Hi Internet! Remember us?

First, the latest. Little Man has a double ear infection. Ouch. He had a fever yesterday, and has been more clumsy than usual lately, falling down for even less apparent reasons than when he usually does. I guessed ear infections based on the balance problem, and our new pediatrician confirmed it. Oh, that's new, too. Our other pediatrician closed up shop at the end of February, so we had to find a new one. We're pretty happy so far.

But on to funny stuff. So the other night it was the coldest night we've had since, well, Winter. Sarah wakes up to JoeJoe whimpering/crying at 4:30 AM. She goes in to find him huddled in the corner of his crib. Only one sleeve of his shirt is still on and his pants are down past his knees. The coldest night in weeks and he decides to strip. Riddle me that, Batman.

So the next night, he got the full body treatment.

Posing Joe

Emma got the same treatment, just in case.

Emma Found Nemo

We're also pretty sure JoeJoe is a Lefty. He loves to play with his toy balls and throws them all around, often with a running start. Emma likes them well enough, but JoeJoe is really into them.

Oh!  A Yellow Ball!

Otherwise, they've been quite fun. They're getting pretty good at saying "please" and "thank you," if not always in the appropriate order. Unfortunately, Emma is starting to use "mine" much more frequently, as well as "no." Those are power words for the 16 month-old set, let me tell ya.

We'll have their Easter pictures up soon. I've not been a good photo journalist lately, so the photos you see are the only ones I've taken since the last update. No shame!