Pregnancy Ticker


Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Emma had a double tonsillectomy and double adenoidectomy this morning. We started the day quite early (although 5 AM is not as unusual for her as we'd like). We got to the hospital and settled in by watching some Mickey Mouse.

Emma Waits for Surgery

They gave her a mild sedative before they took her back so that the transition away from us wouldn't be so bad. Between the drugs and the wagon, she was ready to go.

Emma's Had Some Happy Juice

The surgery went pretty well. Her right tonsil was a bit more trouble than the left, but the doc expects it to do just fine. He also cleaned up and reinserted the tube in one of her ears. Just like her ear tube surgery, she woke up pretty badly. Kids typically have a problem with anesthesia at this age and she also probably inherited a bit of her sensitivity from her dad. We got her calmed down and into a room in the children's hospital, where the orders for the day are to hang out. She has to stay overnight for observation because she's so young, but she'll most likely be heading home tomorrow morning.

Surgery Makes Little Girls Tired