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Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Twins' Supertrack

This morning Joseph told me he needed help building a track. I got in there to see the layout he's picked out is the most complex one in his book of tracks. But, we got it done (with a little creativity), and we even added a few things, just for kicks. Emma also helped and was instrumental in the "ambiance," including the farm and the port.

Longer Than Last Time

We're at 36 weeks + 4 days, which is 2 more days than we made it with the twins. Uncharted territory! Also, Zoe's arrival does not seem imminent, according to the doc today, so we might actually make the scheduled appearance of Sept. 26. Zoe is already considered to be "full term" and all her organs, etc, are ready to go. She gets some crucial development of her immune system during the next few weeks, so hopefully she will be less likely than the twins to catch all the bugs going around in the fall and winter.

Her room is mostly complete. Some pictures need to be put up on the wall, and a few other minor things, but the big stuff is all done. We don't yet have curtains for the French doors into her room, but that's not absolutely required (until it IS).

We just got her beautiful new stroller and car seat in yesterday. It's very pretty, and it's a jogger, so we can resume those walks in the neighborhood once she's up for it.

Just 18 days to go!