Pregnancy Ticker


Thursday, July 19, 2007

15 Weeks Update

We have ended 15 weeks and are into the 16th, and have lots of news.

Firstly, there is no sign of the hemorrhage that has plagued us for many weeks. It seems that with the passing of the clot almost 2 weeks ago, everything has healed up. There wasn't even any scarring visible on the ultrasound, which is excellent.

Secondly, now that the clot has passed and there is no extragestational fluid in the uterus, BabyA, the "downtown" baby, has moved further up. The placenta previa situation is no longer an issue, to our great relief.

Thirdly, the babies are both almost exactly the same size in every way (a little over 6 inches long and ~3 oz), which is unusual for twins, even this early. The doc said they were growing "symmetrically." Sarah still hasn't gained any weight (and, indeed, is down from her pre-pregnancy weight), but it isn't a problem, because the babies meet or exceed the benchmarks for their age.

So, without further ado, the pictures:

First, a close-up portrait of BabyB. It's not that great of a shot, but you're looking at the face.

The always-more-accessible BabyA is seen in the next shot. The head and belly are clearly visible, with a bit of the left arm. Part of BabyB can be seen in the upper right of the photo.


We go back in 2 weeks, and shortly after that will have a very detailed ultrasound done in Pensacola. We hope to find out the genders in two weeks, but it might not be until the better ultrasound a week or so later than that.

So to all, thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully all the scary stuff is over and things will go on normally from here on out (well, as normally as having twins can go).

Sunday, July 15, 2007

14 Weeks Belly Shot

We took another belly shot for those interested in such things.
14 Weeks Belly Shot
Also, the ticker at the top, while humorous, might be a little off color at times. Oops! We didn't know that when we signed up, so hopefully they'll be a little tamer from now on.

Also, the belly shot photos have been taken in the nursery (formerly the guest room). We painted the walls a very light green (watersprout, I believe it's called), but it's difficult to see in the photos. Once we get the cribs in there and start to decorate we'll take some more pictures and maybe it'll show more clearly.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


We went in again to the ER last night. I had a good fever and couldn't get in touch with my doctor or any of the nurses there. We weren't too sure what to do, so I left a message with them and went into the ER. Having a fever so soon after the other stuff that's gone on could be a sign of some really bad stuff. They did bloodwork and other tests to see if I was fighting an infection, but didn't find anything (thank goodness!). My white blood cell count was low enough to indicate my body was beating whatever was wrong. The doctor said my symptoms were probably just an unlucky combination of everything going on at once. Fortunately, babies are fine and the most dangerous complications seem to be improving.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Doctor's Thoughts

I spoke with the doctor's office this morning. He knew the hemorrhage would have to resolve itself and this was one way it could. I've been put on bed rest for the next two days to ensure we don't have any other complications stemming from this situation. I should start feeling better soon! :)

Some just for fun information...We got an extremely detailed ultrasound at the ER. After I finished crying with relief that we still had both babies, we found out the following information. Our babies have big heads, big tummies and short legs (technically, short femurs) for their gestational age. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with what they'll look like full size, but it was interesting to see. Their heart rates were between 145 and 155. They also measure about 14 weeks 4 days each (still the same size!). I'll be 14 weeks on Thursday, July 12. The ultrasound tech said we'll probably be able to see genders in another 2 weeks.

Another trip to the emergency room.

Last night we had another night in the ER. (I could really live without any more of these.) I had thought we'd lost one of the babies, but both were still there bouncing around excitedly. We'll go see our OB very soon and I hope we'll find out what happened was just the hemorrhage clearing up. Keep praying for us as I'm still in pain and very concerned about what's going on.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

First Trimester in the Rearview Mirror

Finally past the first trimester! This should bring less nausea and discomfort, as the placentas start to take over hormone production.

The photos today aren't as clear due to the type of ultrasound, but we'll probably have more in two more weeks, so they'll have to do.

First, let's take a look at Kid B, the uptown baby.
KidB @ 13 Weeks
The head is to the left, feet to the right. Kid A appears to the right (camera hog).

As before, Kid A is easier to see, with distinguishable features.
KidA @ 13 Weeks
It's pretty clear where the head and hands and feet are.

So, onward we go, into the 2nd trimester, that time when many women feel much better and get that pregnant "glow." Hopefully that will happen soon and things will be a little easier.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Belly Picture (as requested!!)


At work yesterday, my coworkers thought it would be a wonderful idea to measure my waist. I am a beautiful 39.5" waist. AARRRGGGHHH!! I'm growing daily! We have another OB appointment Thursday so we'll have an update then.