Pregnancy Ticker


Thursday, July 19, 2007

15 Weeks Update

We have ended 15 weeks and are into the 16th, and have lots of news.

Firstly, there is no sign of the hemorrhage that has plagued us for many weeks. It seems that with the passing of the clot almost 2 weeks ago, everything has healed up. There wasn't even any scarring visible on the ultrasound, which is excellent.

Secondly, now that the clot has passed and there is no extragestational fluid in the uterus, BabyA, the "downtown" baby, has moved further up. The placenta previa situation is no longer an issue, to our great relief.

Thirdly, the babies are both almost exactly the same size in every way (a little over 6 inches long and ~3 oz), which is unusual for twins, even this early. The doc said they were growing "symmetrically." Sarah still hasn't gained any weight (and, indeed, is down from her pre-pregnancy weight), but it isn't a problem, because the babies meet or exceed the benchmarks for their age.

So, without further ado, the pictures:

First, a close-up portrait of BabyB. It's not that great of a shot, but you're looking at the face.

The always-more-accessible BabyA is seen in the next shot. The head and belly are clearly visible, with a bit of the left arm. Part of BabyB can be seen in the upper right of the photo.


We go back in 2 weeks, and shortly after that will have a very detailed ultrasound done in Pensacola. We hope to find out the genders in two weeks, but it might not be until the better ultrasound a week or so later than that.

So to all, thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully all the scary stuff is over and things will go on normally from here on out (well, as normally as having twins can go).

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