Pregnancy Ticker


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Baby Showers Bring... Well, Presents

We flew up to Chicago last week to visit family one last time before the twins are due (our high-risk-pregnancy specialist does not want Sarah to fly after September 15). We had planned on going to Sarah's cousin Jennifer's wedding, but it is a week after the deadline, so we are grounded.

The shower was held at the home of Sarah's grandmother and mother in Des Plaines, IL, and was put together by her mom and her cousin, Laura. It was a joint shower for Sarah and Jennifer, the aforementioned bride-to-be.

Baby Shower to the Left Bridal Shower to the Right

In addition to the extended family present for the festivities, four of Sarah's good friends from high school drove down from Wisconsin and joined the fun.

Ozaukee Represent

There was much bounty to be had, and we got a lot of really great gifts, including crib bedding, blankets, clothes, toys, indoor playground, money for cord blood storage, a pack 'n play for twins, and much more.

I tried to avoid temptation, but eventually gave in. This is one of the many very cute articles of clothing Sarah's cousin Katrina gave us. She wanted to get us the "Tax Deduction" onesies, but they were out at the store, so she found this little gem.

From Katrina to Lil' Joe

Photos of a lot more of the gifts we got are available on our Flickr site, which you can reach by clicking one of the photos above. Thanks to everyone for a great time and for your generous gifts. We really appreciate it and can't wait until we can bring the twins up Chicagoland.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We can't wait either!