Pregnancy Ticker


Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Pox on Your House. Oh Wait, Mine.

Upper Holley -

In startling news this weekend (Ed. The news is not startling), two cases of varicella zoster virus were discovered in two young children. This rare disease (Ed. The disease is not rare) has affected twins from the same family. The ailment, commonly known as "chicken pox," resulted in itching and general irritability in the tots. The source of the infection is suspected to be a nosocomial in nature, a result of their one-year vaccines (Ed. The infection does NOT meet the definition of nosocomial, our intrepid reporter just likes that word). Remarkably, the tots are already on the road to recovery (Ed. The recovery, while rapid, does not meet the definition of "remarkable") and are expected to be back up to full speed within days.


In other news, Emma has been walking for almost two weeks. JoeJoe, while he enjoys walking with assistance, his confidence is not quite ready. However, he gets quite frustrated when he sees Emma walking around and he's not. He made a few tentative steps over the weekend when he didn't realize he was without support. It shouldn't be too long, however, before they're both running us ragged.

1 comment:

GranJan said...

And nobody told GranJan! This is big news!