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Monday, July 6, 2009

The Little Girl Who Cried Poop

Emma Don't Take No Sass
Originally uploaded by Joe Dad
The Twinks have been picking up lots of words lately. They have learned some from the books we read, some about the food they eat, some about their toys. And, of course, there are those words that are supposed to help Sarah and me determine (without looking) if they need a diaper change or not.

For a while now, Emma has seemed pretty close to being ready to be potty trained. She often gets very upset when she pees in her diaper and will whine "pee-pee!" at us and tromp into her bedroom to get changed. This has also helped when the kids have been in bed for the night, and suddenly start crying. We check to see if they need a change, and if they don't, and there is no other overt reason for them to be crying, we often let them cry it out and go to sleep. However, if they tell us they have "pee-pee" or "poo-poo" (or in JoeJoe's case, "Ew!"), we'll pick them up right away and take them to be changed.

This has changed, however, because Emma has started to use this power for ill, rather than good. She now almost always tells us that she's "poo-poo" as soon as we go in, when most of the time she isn't. This has carried over to non-bedtime scenarios as well. Essentially, if she has exhausted her other attention-getting tactics, she plays the "poop" card.

Ah, Emma. If she only knew the moral of the little boy who cried wolf, which we know (thanks to Ricky Gervais) is not "never tell a lie," but rather, "don't tell the same lie twice."

1 comment:

Jessica James said...

She is so hilarious. Gotta love that photo!