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Monday, August 24, 2009

Reality Check

This post is for anyone who thinks it's "supercute" to have twins (yes, that would be me). We went to the doctor today. Poor little Joseph had a fever of 102.2 when we left the daycare. When one of my kids' temps hits 102, we take a trip to the doctor.

So it's me, a responsible parent, and two toddlers. Normally, this would be a little tough, but manageable. We get to the doctor, and the kids are happy. They each have a graham cracker and a book. Then, another little girl runs by. So Emma quickly jumps out of her chair and runs too. It gets a little crazy, but everyone's happy.

At the doctor's office, the door entering the examination rooms opens into the waiting room. Emma thinks this is great and decides the best(and only)place she will sit is in front of the door to the exam rooms. Since I didn't think this was very safe, I moved her. She immediately runs back because she wants to see in the other area. So this is what I did. I make her sit in my lap. For Emma it is torture to have to remain still, so Emma throws one of her angry fits, screaming at the top of her lungs. Joseph then starts to scream as loud as he can because he wants to be held instead of Emma. As in many of these difficult times, neither child wants me to even touch the other. Emma thrashes about like a crazy girl and Jojo is sitting next to me just screaming. This went on for 10 minutes. To make things even better, both kids starting throwing everything they could reach. That includes everything I offered them to try to calm them down. I even tried to get a sucker from the nurses. Apparently, they won't give those out until after the appointment...

Then they call Joseph's name. Well, since there was quite a bit of screaming, I didn't hear it. Once I realized the nurse was looking right at me, I started trying to collect toys and magazines my children had thrown. At the same time Emma kept thrashing and Joseph refused to walk because he wanted to be held.

And that was only getting into an examination room. I could go on...but I'm little tired after today. Joseph has another ear infection, but is on some medication. Thankfully, he'll be better soon.



Unknown said...

That sounded so much fun. I thought Jessica throw bad fits. I'm glad I'm not the only one that has a screaming child when she doesn't get her way. I'm always glad to hear it when somebody else does.
Poor JoJo. I hope he gets better soon. You have a good rest w/ your crazy day.

Anonymous said...

Gee Nigel loves the waiting room it is getting him away from the toys that is difficult both before and after an appointment. He also hates scales. Weird.

Maura said...

My hubby had an epic meltdown at the doctor with our twins on Thursday.
Wait... I'm not sure if the hubby melted or the kids.
I'm pretty sure it was the kids...

Apparently, he left without paying and they didn't care.

GranJan said...

Time for an update! How about the cute Halloween photos.