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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Reverse Spring Break

We took a road trip up to Ohio and Chicago in early March. We'd not been been to Ohio since 2003 (I think) and not to Chicago since May of 2009. It's a LONG way to go with two 3-year-olds, and it's unlikely we'll drive again. It might be a bit more expensive to fly, but the time, oy vey, the time.

We got to see some snow up in Ohio.

The kids especially loved throwing snow balls at Sarah through the glass.

While in Chicago we visited almost all our family up that way. We also took the kids to Shedd Aquarium, where they really liked the penguins.

Some quick thoughts about driving to places 16 hours away:

- JoeJoe doesn't stop talking, except when he's asleep. At one point Sarah told me she was going to sleep for a while. I lamented, "Oh, no! Now he's going to talk to ME the whole time!" It should be noted that this was about 6+ hours into the drive. For the next 20 minutes he must have asked me at least 20 questions. Sarah woke up and told him he didn't have to talk the whole time. He replied, "But I LIKE a-talk."

- "How To Train Your Dragon" sounds like a good movie. I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard it four or five times. The in-car DVD player was a MUST on this trip.

- The kids LOVE "Despicable Me." JoeJoe even picked up some dance moves. Well, ONE dance move, anyway...

- It's probably not the best idea to promise two kids with tubes in their ears that they can swim at the hotel. Both ended up with raging ear infections; Emma's was the worst she's ever had.

- Whoever made those LeapFrog DVDs understands what kids like. They watched two in particular five times. IN A ROW. EACH.

- You can't always trust the signs on the interstate. We got mislead twice before we made it out of Chicago on the way home. Frustration.

- Culver's has expanded! You can now get a Butter Burger in Bowling Green, KY. I think JoeJoe really likes them, because he took down an entire burger with no fuss, no leftovers. I can't say he's wrong.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week 12 Update

We're past 12 weeks, now, into week 13, the last of the first trimester. Hopefully, the morning sickness will pull back a bit soon.

The baby is very active and looking good. We are, however, experiencing a subchorionic hemorrhage. This isn't anything we haven't been through before, but we were kinda hoping for a "boring" pregnancy this time around. But, there has been no bleeding, and we're praying we avoid all the ER visits this time around. Sarah's been on "whenever possible" bed-rest status for a month, already, and it looks like she's in for another one. It'd be nice for things to clear up soon so we can get back to being a little more social and active. Until then, we rest up for baby.

(Oh, lest I forget, Sarah's got an ultrasound photo which I'll try to post in the next couple of days.)