Pregnancy Ticker


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Heartbeats and Mug Shots

We had our 11 week checkup today. We got to hear the heartbeats, which was pretty cool. After much discussion (since we know almost to the hour when the sperm met the egg), we decided that the 40 week "due date" is Jan. 4, 2008. Since twins never make it that far, we're shooting for 36 weeks (Dec. 7) but it could easily be 35 weeks (Nov. 30).

But that's not what you came here for. You came for pictures, so that's what you'll get.

First, we have the more photogenic baby, Kid A, who looks a little like Strong Bad at this point. There is another picture of Kid A waving to the camera on the Flickr site.


Kid B lives uptown, away from the cervix, but is harder to see.

KidB is Less Photogenic

There is a photo of both of them on the Flickr site, but they really don't photograph well together yet.

If you've made it this far down, perhaps you're more interested in some of the more technical details. There is still some extragestational fluid in the uterus. The doc speculates that this was probably the sac for the third embryo that was transferred, but which didn't survive (check out this old ultrasound and this newer one to see what I mean). The fluid appears to have coagulated since 2 weeks ago, which is a very positive sign. Hopefully this will continue and will not be a worry at our next appointment in two more weeks.


Unknown said...

Not very cute yet.

TCJ said...

Well, if you like little green men, they're very cute...