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Friday, June 15, 2007

Weekend Update

Well, the week of semi-bedrest has done some semi-good. Sarah has gone into work for a few appointments this week, and the shortest days yield the least bleeding. Unfortunately, she does have to go in a little every day, but she's keeping it to a minimum. The nausea and loss of appetite that accompany it haven't gone away yet, but should in the next few weeks. The hCG will start level off and eventually drop, and the placenta starts to take over some of the functions that she's been providing the twins, a development that usually results in the mother feeling better during the 2nd trimester. It can't come soon enough for us.

In other news, the nursery has one coat of paint and awaits another, likely this weekend. This is in preparation for new carpet that will soon be going into the nursery and the office (those credit card points do add up to something tangible, if you have enough of them...). On that note, anyone that would like to help me move some furniture is more than welcome to contact me...

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