Pregnancy Ticker


Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Twins' Supertrack

This morning Joseph told me he needed help building a track. I got in there to see the layout he's picked out is the most complex one in his book of tracks. But, we got it done (with a little creativity), and we even added a few things, just for kicks. Emma also helped and was instrumental in the "ambiance," including the farm and the port.

Longer Than Last Time

We're at 36 weeks + 4 days, which is 2 more days than we made it with the twins. Uncharted territory! Also, Zoe's arrival does not seem imminent, according to the doc today, so we might actually make the scheduled appearance of Sept. 26. Zoe is already considered to be "full term" and all her organs, etc, are ready to go. She gets some crucial development of her immune system during the next few weeks, so hopefully she will be less likely than the twins to catch all the bugs going around in the fall and winter.

Her room is mostly complete. Some pictures need to be put up on the wall, and a few other minor things, but the big stuff is all done. We don't yet have curtains for the French doors into her room, but that's not absolutely required (until it IS).

We just got her beautiful new stroller and car seat in yesterday. It's very pretty, and it's a jogger, so we can resume those walks in the neighborhood once she's up for it.

Just 18 days to go!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

No News is Good News

This time around the blog is so much more boring than last time. No emergency room visits, very minor complications, VERY few ultrasound pictures. None of this, of course, is any reason to complain. We always wanted to have free babies with relatively uncomplicated pregnancies, so we're finally getting it. We were just talking recently how, at this point in the last pregnancy, Sarah was coming home from a hospital stay of almost a month, during which they had to actively keep her from going into full-blown labor. This time around she's uncomfortable and tired, but we'll take that over all the drugs and boredom of the hospital every time.

On the home front, my office has been 75% converted to Zoe's room. The French doors were installed by my great friend, Jonathan (with my unskilled labor assisting), and look fantastic, but I still need to paint them. All of my stuff is out of there (thanks, Jared!) and all of her stuff is in, but it's just not quite a finished work. Clothes need to be organized and put into drawers, boxes of diapers discretely stacked in a corner, and the all important swing set up and ready for sleepytime. We'll have to put some more baby stuff on the walls, too. I'm not sure if she'll be in to impressionist oil-on-canvas still-life (I know her mommy isn't, that's why it was in my office in the first place).

Sarah will have her cousin Laura here for the shower this weekend, given by my sister-in-law, so that will be fun. Jared and I will need to take the kids to GranJan's for some pool time, methinks. After the shower we'll have a better idea of what's missing from the list so we can fill in the necessities. Thankfully, we found a bin of baby clothes we've been saving so we really haven't had to buy much in that department.

One thing that's funny is that we don't really have a good single stroller. We have a really great double stroller, but I don't think Zoe will need that much space. The one we registered for is also a jogging stroller, so hopefully we can use it for that once the weather gets a bit more temperate. We were just starting to enjoy our walks around the neighborhood with the kids in our double jogging-stroller (thanks Jess!) before it got too hot to continue. Hopefully Zoe will enjoy (or sleep during!) our 2-mile constitutionals in the evening.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Now We Know Which Bins of Clothes to Keep

We had the 20-week appointment today. The bleed which was present early on in the pregnancy (2 months ago) is completely gone, so it appears the month of modified bed rest did some good. We have quite an active little baby who did not want to sit still for ultrasound pictures. Sarah pushed on her belly a bit to get a better look (much easier to do with one kid than two). After a couple minutes of looking, we discovered that we're going to have another girl. JoeJoe and I will be outnumbered! I hadn't spent any time thinking of names for either gender this time around (although Sarah has) because I just couldn't see the point of working to come up with names if half of them weren't necessary. So now I'll have to engage that part of my brain again. We are, of course, very excited, and I think a roommate for Emma might be a good thing. She needs someone to benefit from all her knowledge, after all.

(Sarah has the ultrasound pics so I'll upload them once she gets them scanned.)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

But Daddy's Big?

The other night, Sarah and I were finishing up dinner and the kids around the house playing. From the living room, where JoeJoe is playing with his trains, we hear, in soto voce,


I immediately start to snigger. Sarah looks up, perplexed, as Emma runs by the dining room, whispering huskily, "What the heck is that?! What the heck is that?!"

I am approaching tears at this point, with my face in my hands, as Sarah calls the kids to "Come talk to Mommy, RIGHT NOW."

"'What the heck' is bad," she tells them.

JoeJoe responds, "'What the heck' is not bad," somehow stretching the last word into two syllables.

I'm still about to explode with laughter as Sarah tries to maintain her composure and tells them that "When you're little, 'What the heck' is bad."

JoeJoe's response, "But Daddy is not little. Daddy is big."