Pregnancy Ticker


Thursday, June 28, 2007

My delayed update

This is my update from the last appointment (about a week ago). I'm getting things done at a slower pace lately! At our last appointment we were at 11 weeks. Apparently, we make large babies because our kids measured 11 weeks 3 days on the ultrasound. That's very encouraging since they'll be popping out a bit sooner than the 40 weeks normally anticipated.

Bigger babies also make me feel better about being as large as a house. Whenever someone asks me when I'm due, or how far along I am, I never fail to mention I'm having twins. It's a great defense for being large. The doctor doesn't seem to think its a big deal since I've lost 13 lbs. since getting pregnant and my size is a result of the size of my uterus. I guess they care more about weight than how big I look!!


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Heartbeats and Mug Shots

We had our 11 week checkup today. We got to hear the heartbeats, which was pretty cool. After much discussion (since we know almost to the hour when the sperm met the egg), we decided that the 40 week "due date" is Jan. 4, 2008. Since twins never make it that far, we're shooting for 36 weeks (Dec. 7) but it could easily be 35 weeks (Nov. 30).

But that's not what you came here for. You came for pictures, so that's what you'll get.

First, we have the more photogenic baby, Kid A, who looks a little like Strong Bad at this point. There is another picture of Kid A waving to the camera on the Flickr site.


Kid B lives uptown, away from the cervix, but is harder to see.

KidB is Less Photogenic

There is a photo of both of them on the Flickr site, but they really don't photograph well together yet.

If you've made it this far down, perhaps you're more interested in some of the more technical details. There is still some extragestational fluid in the uterus. The doc speculates that this was probably the sac for the third embryo that was transferred, but which didn't survive (check out this old ultrasound and this newer one to see what I mean). The fluid appears to have coagulated since 2 weeks ago, which is a very positive sign. Hopefully this will continue and will not be a worry at our next appointment in two more weeks.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Weekend Update

Well, the week of semi-bedrest has done some semi-good. Sarah has gone into work for a few appointments this week, and the shortest days yield the least bleeding. Unfortunately, she does have to go in a little every day, but she's keeping it to a minimum. The nausea and loss of appetite that accompany it haven't gone away yet, but should in the next few weeks. The hCG will start level off and eventually drop, and the placenta starts to take over some of the functions that she's been providing the twins, a development that usually results in the mother feeling better during the 2nd trimester. It can't come soon enough for us.

In other news, the nursery has one coat of paint and awaits another, likely this weekend. This is in preparation for new carpet that will soon be going into the nursery and the office (those credit card points do add up to something tangible, if you have enough of them...). On that note, anyone that would like to help me move some furniture is more than welcome to contact me...

Monday, June 11, 2007

A Little Help

File under: One person's "Need to Know" is another person's "TMI."

The big scare we had a few weeks ago has still not resolved itself as quickly as the doctor would like. Basically, there is a bit of bleeding at the mom/baby interface of one of the twins. While these things usually clear themselves up, it is obviously better if it does not persist, as nutrients which were meant for the baby might not make it. So those of you who pray, please remember Sarah and the twins. She has been put on semi-bedrest, as less activity seems to result in less bleeding. Her work has been very understanding and we are thankful for their support. We know a lot of you out there are rooting for us, and we appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

As far as new pix go, there probably won't be any until next Thursday (June 21). But, the weeks are counting down until we can (hopefully) know the genders of the twins (they don't always cooperate the first time). Exciting stuff!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

First OB Visit

We had our first appointment with our OB doc on Thursday. He's very nice and laid back. He said his goal is to get to 36 weeks, placing the tentative due date at around December 7 (Jessica is rooting for the 6th because that's Maddy's birthday). No new ultrasound pics yet. We'll probably get those at our next appt in ~2 weeks.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Nine Week Photos

We have new pix of the twins up on the Flickr site.
Twins 9 weeks

Last Fertility Appointment!

Today was our last visit to the fertility specialist. We have hit 9 weeks and are officially being transferred to OB care. Pictures are forthcoming, but I can tell you that both babies are doing very well and are already moving around. They're each just shy of an inch long.

As an update for the due dates, it turns out that most twins deliver at 35 weeks, with 37 weeks being considered "full term." If things play out that way, the due date is pushed up to Nov. 30, with full term being Dec. 14.

We thank you all for your prayers and support and hope you will continue to remember our little guy(s)/girl(s).

Our pics won't be this detailed, but this is an ultrasound of a baby at 9 weeks.