Pregnancy Ticker


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sweet Mappy James


This is a map of all visitors to our blog from the US from July 11 through September 24. It's pretty cool to see from where and how frequently everyone checks in on us. And if this isn't your thing, it's not Sarah's fault; I'm the map geek.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Doctor Appointment

Everything went well at our appointment yesterday. We really liked the new doc and were thrilled to hear his office has experience delivering multiples. They've recently delivered a set of quads and a set of quints. It makes having twins seem like nothing!

I was glad to hear everything is going as expected and that I measure a good size for twins. I did ask him why I would be so uncomfortable when others seem to have painless pregnancies until the last month or so. He said that because the babies are transverse it puts a lot of pressure on my body where I wouldn't normally be dealing with it. He also mentioned that my body isn't necessarily aware I'm carrying twins. It just thinks my uterus is big enough to think about labor, so it's releasing hormones that make me uncomfortable.

They didn't do an ultrasound since I had the complications over the weekend. They felt it best not to aggravate anything. So, unfortunately, we have no new pictures to post. I'll have my gestational diabetes test in a month. The doc prepped us in case we get a bad result. It's likely with twins for a woman to have gestational diabetes since something, something, something is produced by the placenta and I have two big placentas. Obviously, I didn't catch it all...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Unexpected Trip to the Hospital

My first day of bed rest was a little more eventful than what I expected. Joseph and I ended up at the hospital yesterday evening for a few hours. I had some yuk problems that warranted a trip to the hospital. They hooked me up to a bunch of monitors and checked a few things to make sure the babies weren't under stress and I wasn't having contractions. The doctor will check me again and take some measurements on Tuesday and make sure everything still looks okay. Until then, I will be a lady of leisure (with a couple hours of work tomorrow morning). Please keep us in your prayers. As you can imagine, we'd love to finish this pregnancy without any more problems.

On a happier note, some friends threw me a mini-baby shower this past week. It was a fantastic surprise. They were so creative with everything they did. Below is a picture of the little decorations they had at the shower. Everyone pitched in money to get us a gift card so we can put it toward some of the larger items on our registry. Thanks, everyone!!


Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Life is about to change for us. I begin modified bed rest this Saturday. I have to honestly say I'm looking forward to a midday nap, but I'm sure I'll be going crazy after a week is up! I'll still get to go to work for a few hours 2-3 days a week. It will be helpful to the wallet get a few extra work hours in my schedule. :) Modified bed rest means I have to lay down for 2 hours every morning, 2 hours mid-day, and 2 hours every afternoon. The docs have said 4 hours away from the house is my limit!

Also, we're are changing our primary OB this week. We've been with Dr. Hennessey since the fertility doctor, but we are changing to Dr. Lile in Pensacola. He works closely with our high risk doctors and delivers at Sacred Heart in Pensacola. We're happy to be able to deliver these babies where they have a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Hopefully, this is an unnecessary precaution, but it gives me a peace of mind.

That's all for now, but we have another appointment on Tuesday, Sept. 18th and we'll update you then!

**Edit from Joe**
Until our next appt, here's a 24th week belly shot for everyone to see just how much bigger one gets with twins. It's important to note that Sarah is right at her pre-pregnancy weight (she lost a lot due to morning sickness), so this is almost all baby related.

24th Week Belly Shot

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

22 Weeks Update

We had our first ultrasounds in a month, once again at the high risk doc. Everything still looks great. The babies are both 1 lb 2 oz. They take tons of shots of the babies' organs to make sure everything meets the benchmarks, which it does.

We got some fun photos this time around. Not too many, but we got a great one of Emma, that looks a bit like the cover of The Bends by Radiohead.

Emma Nose

See what I mean?

We also have another shot of the eye sockets, also from Emma, who is still the photogenic baby.

Emma Eye Sockets

It turns out that Emma is bent almost in half most of the time. She is sitting up, with her feet almost up by her head. She's usually in the same place, so it's easier to take photos of her. Her head and Joseph's head are almost touching most of the time, and they are constantly squirming and kicking. We also got (for the third time) photos that confirm that, yes, Emma is a girl and Joseph is a boy. We'll keep those photos to ourselves.

Lastly, a parting shot of Emma, sucking her thumb or biting her fingernails.

Emma Profile

Our next visit with the high risk guys is in 4 weeks, but there will be a regular OB visit in between now and then.