Pregnancy Ticker


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Unexpected Trip to the Hospital

My first day of bed rest was a little more eventful than what I expected. Joseph and I ended up at the hospital yesterday evening for a few hours. I had some yuk problems that warranted a trip to the hospital. They hooked me up to a bunch of monitors and checked a few things to make sure the babies weren't under stress and I wasn't having contractions. The doctor will check me again and take some measurements on Tuesday and make sure everything still looks okay. Until then, I will be a lady of leisure (with a couple hours of work tomorrow morning). Please keep us in your prayers. As you can imagine, we'd love to finish this pregnancy without any more problems.

On a happier note, some friends threw me a mini-baby shower this past week. It was a fantastic surprise. They were so creative with everything they did. Below is a picture of the little decorations they had at the shower. Everyone pitched in money to get us a gift card so we can put it toward some of the larger items on our registry. Thanks, everyone!!


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