Pregnancy Ticker


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Once More, With Feeling

Monday night we made our third trip thus far to Labor and Delivery Triage (but only our first in 3 weeks!). Sarah wasn't having more contractions than usual, but they were more painful. She hasn't been sleeping well, thanks to all this, which compounded the issue. So, we went in and they monitored the babies' heartbeats. They also tested for fetal fibronectin and checked for dilation. The fetal fibronectin test was negative, which was encouraging, because 97% of the time that means there will be no delivery for the next 7-10 days. Obviously this isn't infallible, but it is encouraging. We're at 1.5 cm dilated, which is more than we'd like, but isn't catastrophic by any means.

They prescribed terbutaline to reduce the amount of contractions, since it worked so well in triage. It has to be taken every 4-6 hours, but should allow Sarah to achieve more restful sleep and relaxation, which are also very good. So it looks pretty solid that we'll make 30 weeks, if not 31. I'm still shooting for 33, but we'll take our victories as they come. Please continue to remember us in your prayers, we really appreciate them.

One other good thing came out of the trip last night. We have made great headway on packing our "gotta go" bags. Sarah worked up a list, and I had started getting things together the past few days, but last night we scrambled around for 30 minutes getting some essentials together in preparation for delivery, just in case last night was the night. Now we're going to keep those bags pretty much as they are and maybe add a few things to them.

Lastly, a special thanks to the friends and family who have cooked us meals and helped around the house. Since Sarah is at fairly complete bedrest, these kindnesses have been greatly appreciated.

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