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Monday, October 22, 2007

Tornado Scare

Last Thursday Sarah had to take the 3-hour glucose challenge test for gestational diabetes. This entails a 10 hour fast, followed by a nasty orange beverage and a blood draw every hour. I was waiting for her last blood draw when I couldn't help but overhear some conversations about a tornado in downtown Pensacola. I got up and went to the window facing South. I saw a very black cloud, but didn't see a tornado. Seconds later, nurses and staff came out of everywhere, ordering everyone away from the windows and into the hallway, because a tornado was coming. After waiting around for about 20 minutes, we decided to leave and go home. The weather was awful, but we experienced no tornadoes.

Once again, we believe the hand of God was protecting us and our babies. I've included the track of the tornado, as provided by the National Weather Service. With a black rectangle, I've noted on the map the location of the Sacred Heart Hospital Airport Medical Park, our location during the tornado. The tornado was on a direct path to our location but stopped a half a mile short. Whew!


I've included a photo of the tornado, also from the NWS. It is an amazing thing to see for someone who hasn't been around tornadoes very often (except in the middle of hurricanes, of course). Pretty wild.

The National Weather Service has more about the tornado here

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