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Monday, January 7, 2008

ER and Such

As you've probably guessed, we've been too busy/exhausted to blog lately.

So, what's new? Well, the babies are over 7 lbs now, and have been for a week or so. After the whole hospital thing the doc thought they might have sensitivities to breastmilk, or some formulas. After going through several formulas, each more expensive than the last, the babies were doing worse, not better, in the digestive/fussiness arena. So we switched back to breastmilk and they're doing better.

As you might have heard, Sarah went into the ER twice this last weekend. Both times it was for hypertension, something the OB said to watch for. As it turns out, there is nothing wrong with her heart, and she doesn't have a blood clot. Of course, we didn't find this out until they did the full cardiac workup, including CT scan, which they didn't do until the last night. So now we have to pay for two visits when it really should have all been done the first time. Nothing like getting a jump on your medical deductible... Anyway, the timing couldn't have been worse. I returned back to work today, Sarah's mom returned to Chicago. I got roughly three hours sleep and Sarah got one. She's got some help this morning so hopefully she can catch up on some sleep.

We're still not sure how we'll survive this week without an extra person to take a shift so someone can sleep. But we're not the first people ever to have two babies at once, so I'm sure we'll survive somehow.


Jon Burchell said...

Trust us, it DOES get better!

We know exactly how you guys are feeling too....

How hard was going back to work? I found it the hardest thing ever. I didn't want to be apart from those boys for a second!

TCJ said...

You know, the hardest part about going back to work so far is the sleep deprivation. I miss the kids, of course, but running on 3-5 hours sleep is murder on productivity. As well as a big damper on interacting with co-workers. I find I just want to close the door to my office, do my work, and go home. I'm too tired for conversation.