Pregnancy Ticker


Friday, January 18, 2008

Just an update

Emma has been to the doctor every day this week. They want to do more testing to ensure she is healthy. She's been having some problems that seem to be a result of a milk protein allergy. We should get test results for Emma in the next few days. It's been a couple of days of sticking, poking and prodding for the poor little girl. They had to take blood from a vein in her ankle this time because it was the best one they could find. I'm so happy she won't remember all of this!

From what I understand, a milk protein allergy is different than just a cow's milk allergy. We were hoping we would be able to switch to a soy formula and problem solved, unfortunately it's not that easy. The doctor has recommended we stay on a formula that is over double the cost of normal formulas...they never recommend the cheap ones, do they? Also I have to go on a special diet of no lactose (or soy) and no eggs if I wish to continue breast feeding. I had no idea how many things had lactose or eggs in them! I'm generally sticking to meat, fruit, vegetables (without butter) and oatmeal made with water.

At this point we are sticking with the doctor's recommendation to not have the babies do a lot of visiting until two months. We're hoping to take them around to see everyone in mid-February. At this rate, they'll be over 10 lbs by then!! They are still gaining about 2 ounces a day and are over 8.5 lbs now. We've seen some fun milestones:

Both babies can hold their heads up while they look around.
Both babies have rolled over front to back AND back to front.
Both babies have mastered grunting like piggies.

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