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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Birthday!

The Twinks turn "One Years Old" today. To celebrate, we went shopping at Target in the snow. Chicago + December Weather + Babies = Not That Fun. It really started snowing again this afternoon and we're hoping we don't get delayed flying back tomorrow, but it is Chicago...

We'll have some pictures to post after we get back. All in all, we've had fun, as busy as we've been. Those of you who remember our terrible American Airlines experience back in February will be happy to hear that our Northwest Airlines experience was much better. From Pensacola to Memphis we even got to sit at the front at the bulkhead, with an empty seat for the kiddos on each side. Jackpot.

1 comment:

Jon Burchell said...

Happy Birthday to you both! Good to see you back blogging after far too long an absence! From all at Team Burchell