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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Within Which Are Many Pictures

We had a Wintery-Twintery time in Chicago this time. There was never a time when there wasn't snow on the ground.
Christmas in Chicago

On Sunday, we celebrated The Twinks' birthday up in Chicago with our Great Lakes relatives.

Emma struck a pose with her cowboy cake...
Birfday Cake

While Joseph got right down to business.
Birfday Cake

We also had Christmas with Uncle Matthew, Aunt Nicole, and cousins Will and Josh. The Twinks were decked out as Santamen.
Christmas in Chicago

Christmas in Chicago

As is my wont, I put gift bows on their heads (and my own, at times, but there are no photos thereof).
Christmas in Chicago

Christmas in Chicago

As one-year old kids tend to be, they were often more impressed with the wrapping than the gifts. They'll figure it out soon enough...
Christmas in Chicago

Oh wait, maybe Emma already has...
Christmas in Chicago

We also have to thank the kind people at Palm Court as we left quite a mess behind at this end of our dinner table.

Emma and Will had much fun.
Christmas in Chicago

JoeJoeMan got serious with his breadstick.
Christmas in Chicago

Of course, there are many more photos from our trip to be found at the Flickr site (check the badge to the right), as well as some that I never posted from our "All Saints' Day Dress-Up" at my parents'. There's some cute stuff there...
All Saints' Day Dress-Up

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