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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Twinks' Christmas Program

JoeJoe and Emma were in the Christmas program at their daycare last night. Their class "danced" to two songs, although Emma provided more dancing than most of the other kids combined. It was pretty hilarious to watch, and I apologize in advance for the ShakyCam.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Reality Check

This post is for anyone who thinks it's "supercute" to have twins (yes, that would be me). We went to the doctor today. Poor little Joseph had a fever of 102.2 when we left the daycare. When one of my kids' temps hits 102, we take a trip to the doctor.

So it's me, a responsible parent, and two toddlers. Normally, this would be a little tough, but manageable. We get to the doctor, and the kids are happy. They each have a graham cracker and a book. Then, another little girl runs by. So Emma quickly jumps out of her chair and runs too. It gets a little crazy, but everyone's happy.

At the doctor's office, the door entering the examination rooms opens into the waiting room. Emma thinks this is great and decides the best(and only)place she will sit is in front of the door to the exam rooms. Since I didn't think this was very safe, I moved her. She immediately runs back because she wants to see in the other area. So this is what I did. I make her sit in my lap. For Emma it is torture to have to remain still, so Emma throws one of her angry fits, screaming at the top of her lungs. Joseph then starts to scream as loud as he can because he wants to be held instead of Emma. As in many of these difficult times, neither child wants me to even touch the other. Emma thrashes about like a crazy girl and Jojo is sitting next to me just screaming. This went on for 10 minutes. To make things even better, both kids starting throwing everything they could reach. That includes everything I offered them to try to calm them down. I even tried to get a sucker from the nurses. Apparently, they won't give those out until after the appointment...

Then they call Joseph's name. Well, since there was quite a bit of screaming, I didn't hear it. Once I realized the nurse was looking right at me, I started trying to collect toys and magazines my children had thrown. At the same time Emma kept thrashing and Joseph refused to walk because he wanted to be held.

And that was only getting into an examination room. I could go on...but I'm little tired after today. Joseph has another ear infection, but is on some medication. Thankfully, he'll be better soon.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Blame it on the Moo, Baa, La La La!

We discussed earlier The Twinks refusal to call water anything but milk, which they've taken to the extreme by emphatically stating "milk" whenever they see a body of water, from gulf, to lake, to bird bath.

They are also big fans of the book "Moo, Baa, La La La!" by Sandra Boynton. It starts with a cow saying moo, and a sheep saying baa. They used to both be very good at reciting the sounds the animals made, and they (especially Emma) are quite fond of the horse saying "neee!"

Lately, however, Emma, when asked what a cow says, will say "baa." JoeJoe is confused by this, so he often won't tell you what a cow says. We try to correct Emma and tell her that a cow says "moo," after which we ask her again. The other day while engaging in this while driving home from the store, we asked her, again, what a cow says. "Baa!" she replied. "No," we told her, "A cow says 'moo'," to which she replied, "No! Mine!" and looked away out the window. I believe we are correct when we translate this as, "I'm right, you're wrong, we're done talking."

Monday, August 3, 2009

They Call It Puppy Love

The Twinks love our dogs, Jackson and Sally. They especially like Sally, probably because they can say her name more easily than they can Jackson's.

The dogs had a tussle the other day with a rogue dog from out of our neighborhood (they're up on their shots, but have been on antibiotics for a couple of bites they received). As a result, they've been a bit sluggish lately, and have spent a lot of time inside. Sally is always difficult to get inside, thanks to her aggressive submissiveness. She is so submissive that it often takes three rounds of encouraging and ego boosting petting to get her into the house from the backyard (she had a troubled puppyhood before we took her in).

So the other day she comes in, and Jackson walks over and starts licking her on the face and neck. Sarah comments to the kids how sweet Jackson is for giving Sally kisses. Much to her horror, both kids stick their tongues out and head straight for Sally, eager to be told how sweet their kisses are. Sarah caught them this time, but I fear there are more kisses in Sally's future.

"Auugh! I've been kissed by a dog! I have dog germs! Get some hot water! Get some disinfectant! Get some iodine!"

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Land of Milk and... Wait, Milk?

It's been raining cats and buffaloes at my house today, and the twinks have been fascinated. Water is pooling up in our backyard, which is quite something, since we are 65 ft above sea level (for those not from coastal Florida, that's virtually the highlands) and on a hill. Both kids have been pointing enthusiastically at the sheets of rain and the puddles and exclaiming, "Milk!" Sarah tried to tell them that what they were seeing was not milk, but water, and told them the story of Noah and the Ark. They looked at her, looked out and pointed confidently. "Milk!"

What's funny to us about this (besides the obvious) is that we don't call their cups "milk." We usually call it their "sippy" or their water, because we rarely even give them milk. It must be the day care, because now, all water is milk (except the tub, which is "bubbles"). Emma even points to the Santa Rosa Sound now and bestows the title of "Milk!" upon it as she passes.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Twins Tympanums Trending Totally Tubular

The Twinks had PE tubes put into their ear drums today. They've both suffered multiple and recurring ear infections, especially JoeJoe. Hopefully that will clear up now and they'll be able to hear a little better and we can miss fewer days of work because of sicky babies.

I Don't Wanna Get Surgery

Emma Decided to Camp Out on the Floor

JoeJoe went first and had an active ear infection when the tubes were put in. The infection will be cultured so we'll have a better idea of which antibiotics to use in the future since the last few didn't work. Emma's ears were not actively infected, but there was fluid behind the ear drum. Neither of them woke up very well, but they calmed down quite a bit once the IVs were removed from their hands. They've headed home with Sarah, GrammaLynn, and Lali, so the rest of the day they will be well cared for. Since I only got 3 hrs sleep myself (we had to be in P'cola by 6) there's a good chance I'll be joining the (hopefully) happily napping household sooner than later.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Little Girl Who Cried Poop

Emma Don't Take No Sass
Originally uploaded by Joe Dad
The Twinks have been picking up lots of words lately. They have learned some from the books we read, some about the food they eat, some about their toys. And, of course, there are those words that are supposed to help Sarah and me determine (without looking) if they need a diaper change or not.

For a while now, Emma has seemed pretty close to being ready to be potty trained. She often gets very upset when she pees in her diaper and will whine "pee-pee!" at us and tromp into her bedroom to get changed. This has also helped when the kids have been in bed for the night, and suddenly start crying. We check to see if they need a change, and if they don't, and there is no other overt reason for them to be crying, we often let them cry it out and go to sleep. However, if they tell us they have "pee-pee" or "poo-poo" (or in JoeJoe's case, "Ew!"), we'll pick them up right away and take them to be changed.

This has changed, however, because Emma has started to use this power for ill, rather than good. She now almost always tells us that she's "poo-poo" as soon as we go in, when most of the time she isn't. This has carried over to non-bedtime scenarios as well. Essentially, if she has exhausted her other attention-getting tactics, she plays the "poop" card.

Ah, Emma. If she only knew the moral of the little boy who cried wolf, which we know (thanks to Ricky Gervais) is not "never tell a lie," but rather, "don't tell the same lie twice."

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Twinks and The James Gang Go Swimming

Jude and Hannah (the blonde who doesn't go in the pool) are John and Ashley's and Madelyn is Jared and Jessica's.

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Importance of Being Emma

As I mentioned last time, Emma is very big on "Mine!" lately, something which we are battling against constantly. I provide, as evidence, what was to be a cute video of JoeJoe playing with his The Cheat, while Emma was happily playing with her cell phone. As you'll soon see, what is JoeJoe's is Emma's, and what is Emma's is Emma's.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hit Me With a Double

Hi Internet! Remember us?

First, the latest. Little Man has a double ear infection. Ouch. He had a fever yesterday, and has been more clumsy than usual lately, falling down for even less apparent reasons than when he usually does. I guessed ear infections based on the balance problem, and our new pediatrician confirmed it. Oh, that's new, too. Our other pediatrician closed up shop at the end of February, so we had to find a new one. We're pretty happy so far.

But on to funny stuff. So the other night it was the coldest night we've had since, well, Winter. Sarah wakes up to JoeJoe whimpering/crying at 4:30 AM. She goes in to find him huddled in the corner of his crib. Only one sleeve of his shirt is still on and his pants are down past his knees. The coldest night in weeks and he decides to strip. Riddle me that, Batman.

So the next night, he got the full body treatment.

Posing Joe

Emma got the same treatment, just in case.

Emma Found Nemo

We're also pretty sure JoeJoe is a Lefty. He loves to play with his toy balls and throws them all around, often with a running start. Emma likes them well enough, but JoeJoe is really into them.

Oh!  A Yellow Ball!

Otherwise, they've been quite fun. They're getting pretty good at saying "please" and "thank you," if not always in the appropriate order. Unfortunately, Emma is starting to use "mine" much more frequently, as well as "no." Those are power words for the 16 month-old set, let me tell ya.

We'll have their Easter pictures up soon. I've not been a good photo journalist lately, so the photos you see are the only ones I've taken since the last update. No shame!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

File Under: It's About Time

On Saturday, JoeJoe was not walking on his own at all, if he knew he wasn't being helped. He'd been walking with help for a while, but would only take a few steps before he realized he wasn't receiving assistance, after which he would promptly sit down. On Sunday, he was coaxed into walking some on his own by "LaLa," his favoritest person ever. By Wednesday, he was walking/running all over the house.

If this story sounds familiar, this is exactly how he started crawling. Emma had been doing it for a while before he even tried, after which he had mastered it in 3 days. So, he's 5 weeks behind her in walking, but I think he'll be up to speed by next week. Of course, he might not be as proficient as Emma, whom my dad has decided to make a hockey player, as she has excellent balance.

So they're both walking. This is the part where things get a little hectic, or so I hear...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Pox on Your House. Oh Wait, Mine.

Upper Holley -

In startling news this weekend (Ed. The news is not startling), two cases of varicella zoster virus were discovered in two young children. This rare disease (Ed. The disease is not rare) has affected twins from the same family. The ailment, commonly known as "chicken pox," resulted in itching and general irritability in the tots. The source of the infection is suspected to be a nosocomial in nature, a result of their one-year vaccines (Ed. The infection does NOT meet the definition of nosocomial, our intrepid reporter just likes that word). Remarkably, the tots are already on the road to recovery (Ed. The recovery, while rapid, does not meet the definition of "remarkable") and are expected to be back up to full speed within days.


In other news, Emma has been walking for almost two weeks. JoeJoe, while he enjoys walking with assistance, his confidence is not quite ready. However, he gets quite frustrated when he sees Emma walking around and he's not. He made a few tentative steps over the weekend when he didn't realize he was without support. It shouldn't be too long, however, before they're both running us ragged.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Say, It's Your Birthday

Let's all think back to an earlier time. A time of wonder, joy, and possibility. I think you all know I'm referring to "The Month Before This One."

[wavy screen and chimes]

The Twinks 1st birthday party was held the Saturday after we got back from the frigid hinterlands the locals call "Chicago." We left JoeJoe's hair long so everyone up there could see his curls. Of course, the air is drier up there, so what are curly locks down here end up being just a mullet in Chi-Town. Since his actual birthday had passed, and we wouldn't get the "but-you-have-to-let-it-grow-for-a-year" routine, we took him for his first haircut. We took him to Toni, the only person (besides Sarah) who has cut my hair since I was in 11th grade (that's late '91 for those scoring at home). We actually snuck in ahead of my dad's appointment, but he was game. JoeJoe was game, too, for he did not know what fate had in store for him.

JoeJoe's First Haircut

We went with a scissor cut, because clippers would have left his fine, blond hair looking rather insubstantial.

JoeJoe's First Haircut

After a while, he began to get worried. This wasn't nearly as fun as sitting on Daddy's lap and looking at the mirrors. He was led astray!

JoeJoe's First Haircut

Lo, there was wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Betrayal! Yea, by his own father! And his father's father!

JoeJoe's First Haircut

At last, the torment ended, and he was a big boy!

JoeJoe's First Haircut

Onward we pressed to the party itself. Sarah and our friend (The Twinks' babysitter) really decked the place out with yummy food and a wall o' photos.

Twinky BirthdayTwinky Birthday

If you're wondering about that photo at the top of the wall o' photos, there's a story in it. In late 2006, The Twinks' two older cousins were born. Maddy's birthday party was on December 9, 2007. Since she was turning One, in the winter, her mom made very cute invitations to the "Winter Onederland." However, many people missed the pun, as the "O" in "One-derland" had a picture of Maddy in it. This caused some to read the invitation as being to a "Winder Nederland." I, of course, found this fantastic, and decided that any child who had a first birthday in December should have a Winder Nederland. As it happens, The Twinks were born on the day of Maddy's party, so we didn't get to go. However, we payed homage to the idea, with our own twist.

twinter nederland

Rambling aside, let's get back to the party. The kids were dressed in some classy duds and the proceedings began. JoeJoe got to show off his new haircut, and Emma's hair was done up as only Auntie Hope can do it.

Twinky Birthday

Twinky Birthday

Friends and family came and we ate too much. We'll have to show the kids pictures when they're older so they can appreciate who came to their party. In the meantime, Sarah and I are very appreciative of all who came. It really was great.

We suited the kids up in their IKEA cake-slickers and let them stare at the candles. They don't know how to, and we really didn't want them to, blow out the candles on their own. Besides, these candles (from my friend Joe and his fiance Sara) will be their candles once they know what to do with them. We chuckled as we thought of The Twinks at 14 saying, "Gosh, Dad! Do I have to use my baby candle?!?! All the kids will laugh at me! It's got a rubber ducky on it, for pete's sake!"

Twinky Birthday

Twinky Birthday

Twinky Birthday

JoeJoe watched Emma at first, to see if he liked her technique.

Twinky BirthdayTwinky Birthday

He did. She observed to make sure he did it right.

Twinky BirthdayTwinky Birthday

They received many excellent toys, some very cute clothes, delightful books, and even a Radio Flyer wagon. I have some personal favorites, one of which I bought and the others which my cousin, Jenn, bought, but I'll have to upload the pictures later. Needless to say, when your dad is a microbiologist, there are certain toys that you'll have that most other kids won't. Which is fantastic.