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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week 12 Update

We're past 12 weeks, now, into week 13, the last of the first trimester. Hopefully, the morning sickness will pull back a bit soon.

The baby is very active and looking good. We are, however, experiencing a subchorionic hemorrhage. This isn't anything we haven't been through before, but we were kinda hoping for a "boring" pregnancy this time around. But, there has been no bleeding, and we're praying we avoid all the ER visits this time around. Sarah's been on "whenever possible" bed-rest status for a month, already, and it looks like she's in for another one. It'd be nice for things to clear up soon so we can get back to being a little more social and active. Until then, we rest up for baby.

(Oh, lest I forget, Sarah's got an ultrasound photo which I'll try to post in the next couple of days.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats! I look forward to reading more. I will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.