Pregnancy Ticker


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Sigh of Relief

We had a welcome bit of good news today at the fertility doctor. Both babies are fine, are almost the exact same size (unusual for twins, even this early) and they have excellent placentas, amnion, etc. The problems we've been experiencing are because one of the babies and its placenta are very near the cervix (or, as we say, "downtown", as the other is high in the uterus, or, "uptown"). The bleeding has been due to the placenta growing (and growing well) so near the cervix and is technically an early case of placenta previa. The doctor says that with time the placenta will likely move up and away from the cervix, and there will be no more problems.

They took a lot of pictures today but didn't give us any copies. We can tell you that the twins are ~1.5 cm long now (just over half an inch) and looking good. We appreciate all the prayers and ask that you continue to remember the babies for the next 30 weeks or so.

Going to the doctor...

We are heading into the fertility doctor today, as our problems have not ended. Please pray for us. I really believe God intervened the other night and saved our babies. We know He can do it again, and we're just trusting Him to make the difference.

Monday, May 28, 2007

A Scare

We had some early morning drama today, resulting in a 2 AM visit to the emergency room. It was looking very much like one or both of the twins had been lost, but, thank God, the ultrasound showed both babies, just as they should be, proper size and heart rate. Not everything is normal, yet, but so far the babies are fine. We'll be conferring with our fertility specialist soon to discuss the next course of action. We ask that anyone who feels the desire to pray for our babies and the course of the pregnancies. We know prayer made a difference last night and that it will continue to do so.

Friday, May 25, 2007


So several people have asked about when to expect the twins. On the right side of the ultrasound images in which the fetuses have been measured, you can see that pregnancy duration and a due date are included.
BabyB Size
In the above example, Baby B is at 6 weeks, 1 day, and the due date is listed as January 10, 2008. However, that number is based on full term for a singleton, 40 weeks. For twins the number is more like 37 weeks, or December 10, 2007. If they arrive near this date, my parents will have gone from having only one grandchild (Julie) in 2005, to 4 (Savannah, Hannah, and Madelyn) in 2006, to 7 (Jennifer's 3rd and our twins) in 2007. Merry Christmas, indeed.

Monday, May 21, 2007


We found out on friday that we are expecting twins! I'll be very excited as soon as the morning sickness subsides. Until then, we tend to reference our babies as Fatigue and Nausea. I hope we'll be calling them something else after the first trimester!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Update on blood levels

I got my levels back for 21 days past ovulation. We generally get 2 numbers. One is the HCG and the other is progesterone.

My HCG, or beta as it is often called, is at 5081. This HCG is about average for multiples, and much higher than what they are expecting for a singleton pregnancy. HCG levels are not much different for twins and triplets, so we won't be able to see how many babies we have until our ultrasound toward the end of the month.

My progesterone is at 190. To get an idea of progesterone ranges during pregnancy, look at the listing below. No wonder I feel terrible! My progesterone level is higher right now than the majority of pregnant women reach in their pregnancy. Outside of making me feel terrible, this is a very good thing. It can signify a very strong and healthy pregnancy (and lots of babies).

Progesterone during pregnancy

First Trimester 9-47 ng/ml
Second Trimester 17-147 ng/ml
Third Trimester 55-200 ng/ml

That's all the news for now. We'll update you as we learn more!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Let the morning sickness begin!

I'm feeling quite nauseated and gross even before 5 weeks. I suspect I'm in for it if I'm this sick already. I'm not looking forward to feeling like this for the next two months, especially since I have spent the past year and a half feeling bad on hormones. I loved food before this it seems terrible. We have a popcorn machine at work, and as soon as the butter melts, my stomach starts rolling! It's not the most ideal way to start my day.
~ Sarah J.

Monday, May 7, 2007

New hCG Numbers!

So, there are new hCG numbers from day 22 were ~480 mIU, up from 250 mIU 2 days earlier! We are definitely still in the multiples range, but singletons can elicit such a reaction as well. We'll have no new numbers for about a week, and even then we just won't know how many there are until the ultrasound, which won't be until near the end of the month. We appreciate your well wishes and prayers.

As we say around our house, "Go Team!"

Friday, May 4, 2007

IVF Cycle - April 2K7

We started our 2nd IVF cycle in April, 2K7. They were able to retrieve 9 eggs, 8 of which fertilized. Of these, 6 made it to day three (usually only 50% make it, so this was good). Three of the embryos were at the 8-cell blastula stage,
3 8-cell Emmys
and were transferred back into the womb. The three remaining were at the 6-cell stage and remained in culture. At day 5, one had progressed to blastocyst stage, and was transferred into cryostasis for later transfer. After the transfer there is a 10 day wait for a pregnancy test. Such a long 10 days! Blood was taken for the lab at day 20, but results weren't due for another day, so we took matters into our own hands.
In Its Display Case
Yep, it's a positive! Turns out that the hCG level was 250 mIU. According to, "hCG levels in moms carrying multiples are often more elevated. This can often be the first sign that you have more than one on the way! An average hCG for a singleton at 18 days post-ovulation is about 70 mIU, a twin gestation is about 200 mIU at the same day. Though this is not a foolproof way to detect twins." * So, we don't yet know how many, and won't until an ultrasound. So we know that we have good news, we just don't know how good yet.
