Pregnancy Ticker


Friday, May 4, 2007

IVF Cycle - April 2K7

We started our 2nd IVF cycle in April, 2K7. They were able to retrieve 9 eggs, 8 of which fertilized. Of these, 6 made it to day three (usually only 50% make it, so this was good). Three of the embryos were at the 8-cell blastula stage,
3 8-cell Emmys
and were transferred back into the womb. The three remaining were at the 6-cell stage and remained in culture. At day 5, one had progressed to blastocyst stage, and was transferred into cryostasis for later transfer. After the transfer there is a 10 day wait for a pregnancy test. Such a long 10 days! Blood was taken for the lab at day 20, but results weren't due for another day, so we took matters into our own hands.
In Its Display Case
Yep, it's a positive! Turns out that the hCG level was 250 mIU. According to, "hCG levels in moms carrying multiples are often more elevated. This can often be the first sign that you have more than one on the way! An average hCG for a singleton at 18 days post-ovulation is about 70 mIU, a twin gestation is about 200 mIU at the same day. Though this is not a foolproof way to detect twins." * So, we don't yet know how many, and won't until an ultrasound. So we know that we have good news, we just don't know how good yet.


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