Pregnancy Ticker


Friday, May 25, 2007


So several people have asked about when to expect the twins. On the right side of the ultrasound images in which the fetuses have been measured, you can see that pregnancy duration and a due date are included.
BabyB Size
In the above example, Baby B is at 6 weeks, 1 day, and the due date is listed as January 10, 2008. However, that number is based on full term for a singleton, 40 weeks. For twins the number is more like 37 weeks, or December 10, 2007. If they arrive near this date, my parents will have gone from having only one grandchild (Julie) in 2005, to 4 (Savannah, Hannah, and Madelyn) in 2006, to 7 (Jennifer's 3rd and our twins) in 2007. Merry Christmas, indeed.

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