Pregnancy Ticker


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Doctor Appointment

Everything went well at our appointment yesterday. We really liked the new doc and were thrilled to hear his office has experience delivering multiples. They've recently delivered a set of quads and a set of quints. It makes having twins seem like nothing!

I was glad to hear everything is going as expected and that I measure a good size for twins. I did ask him why I would be so uncomfortable when others seem to have painless pregnancies until the last month or so. He said that because the babies are transverse it puts a lot of pressure on my body where I wouldn't normally be dealing with it. He also mentioned that my body isn't necessarily aware I'm carrying twins. It just thinks my uterus is big enough to think about labor, so it's releasing hormones that make me uncomfortable.

They didn't do an ultrasound since I had the complications over the weekend. They felt it best not to aggravate anything. So, unfortunately, we have no new pictures to post. I'll have my gestational diabetes test in a month. The doc prepped us in case we get a bad result. It's likely with twins for a woman to have gestational diabetes since something, something, something is produced by the placenta and I have two big placentas. Obviously, I didn't catch it all...

1 comment:

Jon Burchell said...

Hi there, I just stumbled across your blog and thought I would say hi! My wife and I are expecting twins also and we've been writing a very similar blog to yours! Check it out at