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Saturday, December 29, 2007


The twinkies were discharged from the hospital this afternoon. Their temperatures were normal and their other symptoms had disappeared. The doctor sent them home a day early because they were doing so well that he didn't want them to pick up a nosocomial infection.

I noticed in Sarah's post earlier that she didn't include the good news from the visit to the doctor yesterday. Emma weighed 6 lb 8 oz and Joseph weighed 6 lb 11 oz. That's up essentially a pound each from 8 days earlier at their last appointment, or twice the expected rate for children on breastmilk rather than formula. This was also why the doctor wasn't too worried about them when he admitted them, even though, by law, he had to admit them because of their age and their symptoms.

We're very excited to have them back. Although everyone got a good night's sleep, it would have been a lot cheaper and a lot less stressful to hire someone to take care of them if we needed it that badly. So thanks to everyone for their prayers. Our kids have benefited from them for many months now, and we are very grateful.

P.S. "Nosocomial" has long been one of my favorite words and I was excited to be able to use it in a sentence. Yes, I'm weird, but you knew that, didn't you?

At the hospital

Little Joseph and Emma were admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon. We went to see the pediatrician in the morning because the babies were crying inconsolably and had intestinal distress. When we got to the doctor Joseph had a temp of 100.6 and Emma had a temp of 100.8. Since they are preemies and under one month old, they had to be admitted immediately. Full term babies receive antibodies from the mother at 37 weeks gestation. Since the kids made an early appearance (36 weeks), they are more susceptible to germs and bacteria.

Outside of having very concerned parents, the kids are doing great. Their fevers are down, their appetites are good. The nurses are fantastic and very nice, no matter how often I've called to check in on the kids throughout the night. Both babies have IVs in their hands (seeing a 6 lb baby with an IV is a very sad site), had to be catheterized for urine samples and are getting a very large panel of blood work and poop analysis done. If all the results come back normally (it takes 2 days to get results), we should be able to bring the kids home on Sunday. Fortunately, their fevers were low enough that the doctor did not order a spinal or drip antibiotics. They are also testing to see if the kids are lactose intolerant. I hope that's not the case since I've been pumping for them since the beginning, and have finally hit the point of feeding them almost exclusively breast milk.

Big Joseph has a saying he heard from one of his stinks when you're sick and little. So please keep the little ones in your prayers. We miss having them at home, and we look forward to bringing them back as soon as possible.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Second Doctor Visit

Today was the second visit to the pediatrician for the kids. We had to wait a little longer in the lobby this time, but our doc is great, so it was ok.

Joseph has gained weight, and is now up to 5 lbs 11 oz, 3 oz over his birth weight. Emma is now up to 5 lbs 9.8 oz, up from 4 lbs 14 oz a week ago. She's now 7.4 oz above her birth weight and has almost caught up to her brother. We're very pleased that they've gained their weight back, especially since they've been fed mostly breast milk (formula-fed babies gain weight more quickly).

The doc still doesn't recommend many public outings, as the twins' immune systems aren't too great yet (but they are better protected since they're on breast milk). So it's unlikely they'll make their appearance at church for a couple more weeks. We'll go to our family holiday outings, of course, but those conditions are much easier to control.

So they go back to the doc in two weeks. We'll let you know what there is to know when there is something to know.

Sir Thanksalot

I just wanted to take this time to acknowledge the kind and wonderful people who have been helping us through this time of excitement and exhaustion. First of all, Sarah's mom is here, pulling more than her share of the load taking care of the kiddies. I'd say I don't know what we'd do without her, but I do know. The first two days they were home is how it would be, and that was insane. In addition, people have prepared us some delicious meals, as we have very little time, even with three of us, to put together any food. When we get a break, sleep almost always wins over food, and when food does win, it has to be convenient, as we won't take the time to prepare it. Thanks also to the many who bought us preemie clothes (we go through several outfits a day, sadly) as all the newborn clothes are still too big. Many of you have also called to see how we were doing, and we appreciate your concern and welcome your prayers for the very best for Emma and Joseph. I mentioned her before, but we really appreciate Aunt Jessica for going the extra mile and getting the birth announcements done in record time, at personal cost to her sleep. Thanks also to the family and friends who have responded to our requests for help so that one of us (Sarah has priority, as she has to make milk and take care of babies and get healed up from surgery) can get some sleep every now and again. I've definitely benefited from this and am very thankful. A great deal of thanks to my coworkers who donated me their personal annual leave so that I might stay home and help care for the babies and my wife. I was facing leave without pay, otherwise, and I don't know how to thank you, except to tell you that you've really been a lifesaver. May God richly bless you for your generosity.

I Less-Than-Three Walgreens

Our birth announcements were printed at a photo lab, and were 4"x6". Why the smaller size, 9 square inches smaller than the standard 5"x7"? Well 4"x6" prints from Target cost $0.20 each, as opposed to $1.59 each for 5"x7" prints. As you can see, this is a significant difference, especially when ordering more than 100.

So I was very proud of myself, having saved somewhere in the area of $200. This story, however, is not quite over. It seems that obtaining 4"x6" envelopes is not as simple as one might have thought it would be. It stands to reason, right? People get photos developed as 4"x6" or 5"x7" all the time, so of course there are envelopes in that size.

Except there aren't. Not easily accessible, anyway. I searched all through Wal-Mart, finding holiday envelopes, but alas, in the same dimensions as every other office envelope, meaning exactly wrong. So I went to Walgreens, you one-stop-holiday-shop-stop. Second verse, same as the first. No dice on the 4"x6" envelopes.

I was back in my truck about to head home, head hung low from my failure to hunt down my elusive game, when I decided to give it one more shot. I walked straight to the one-hour photo lab and asked the tech if they had such envelopes. The first thing he did was head over to office supplies, which I had done previously. My hopes fell. I told him that I had looked before, but that I thought the photo section might have them, since they print 4"x6" photos, after all. Then, the magic words, "Hold on for a minute," after which he entered a combination of numbers into a locked door, and disappeared into the most secret parts of Walgreens. He came out and asked, "How many did you say you wanted?" "A lot," I replied. "What's a lot?" "How about 150?" His eyes widened, but he went back into the secret chamber. He came out with a box, filled with the forbidden and rare envelopes, made especially for 4"x6" photos. He counted out the appropriate number of lots and handed them to me. As I reached for my wallet he said, "Merry Christmas! Have a good one."

A Christmas miracle.

So now, I do <3 Walgreens. Especially the very nice people in the photo lab. They made my holiday this year. Well, as far as the whole commercial side of the holiday goes, anyway.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Photo Shoot

The babies had a big day on Sunday. It was time for their first official photo shoot, courtesy of their Aunt Jessica. It was quite a production. First, we had to heat the room where the photos were going to be shot, since we didn't want cold, unhappy babies. We also got them all dolled up in their little Christmas outfits, since these photos were for our birth announcements/Christmas cards.

Little Joe's outfit made him look a bit like a Christmas convict (because he stole your heart... ha... ha ha...). His stripes matched quite well with the hat of the Classic Christmas Pooh we had to pose them with.

Emma's was a bit less distracting and was all red (girl, don't you know red makes your hips look big?!). We had to find a bow for her to top the outfit off (and to make sure everyone knew she was a girl). We'll get you some of those photos in a later post.

As it turns out, most of the best photos really weren't with their outfits on at all, but were the au natural photos. This one of Emma features her crooked little smile, which is difficult to get on film, but Jess caught it.

We took ones in their outfits first, so they were wore slap out (I love colloquialisms, don't you?) by the time the nekkid pictures were shot. They were tired babies. I wish I could tell you how they slept that night, or anything useful at all, but I have no clue. The days and nights have all run together. If it weren't for the faithful entries in the feeding/changing log I'd have no idea who ate what, how much, and when, much less who peed or pooped a lot. Fussy nights rarely get a mention, as we're too tired to think to record them.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Doctor Appointment and Poopsplosions

Friday (12/14) was a big day for everyone. The kids had their first visit with a pediatrician, which meant our first excursion out since they've been home. The appointment was ~40 minutes away. We started getting ready 2.5 hours ahead of time. And we still barely made it. Sarah's mom was flying into town at the exact time of the appointment. Luckily, my dad was away for work all week had just flown in an hour before, so he picked her up for us. Chaotic enough, yet?

Little Joe had quite a time. First, they stripped him down to get a weight. Easy enough, but he was unhappy. Then, they took his temp, rectally, of course. He quieted up for a second, which we found curious. Then they pulled out the thermometer (you can see where this is going, right?). So that was our first poopsplosion. While we tried to get him into a new diaper, he started peeing, and lemmie tell ya, the kid's got a good stream. So there went that diaper. We started putting another one on him and, guess what, more poop. Unbelievable. He was already into his remaining outfit and we hadn't even seen the doctor yet. Emma was much more cooperative. We did have to change a diaper, but without the dramatics.

So the babies were still below their birth weight, but the doc wasn't worried. They were eating regularly and doing their business, and they have 2 weeks to get back to their birth weights before anyone will be concerned. They were also a tad bit jaundiced, but the doc said that as long as they continue to eat as much as they do it will get cleared out of their system, and that the levels weren't high enough to warrant any special attention.

While she was examining the babies, Joe Joe decided it was time for more theatrics. This time, he started peeing, on the doctor, on the wall, everywhere. We stopped it as best we could and took him over to the sink to clean up, where he promptly started pooping. We finally got him cleaned up and back to the doc, and he started peeing again. It really was like being in a Jerry Lewis movie (or a Ben Stiller movie, for the younger generation out there).

Once it was all over, they slept like, well, babies, the whole drive home.

They have another appointment on Thursday, so hopefully we'll see some gains in weight. The definitely are eating more, although they still won't nurse. This is ok, because Sarah is able to pump enough breast milk so that we rarely need formula anymore (which is good, because they don't like formula nearly as well).

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Stay Tuned

We haven't forgotten about the blog. Unfortunately, when one considers Maslow's Heirachy of Needs, blogging is higher up the pyramid than food and sleep. We'll catch up soon...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Shift Work

Since I was up until 6 with the babies, Sarah let me sleep in during the morning. A friend came over for a couple of hours to help her out with diapers and feeding. I got up and hit the ground running, as Sarah was fried by then. We got the kids to sleep and she got to take a shower. Who has time for showers, anymore?

Anyway, we also started feeding the babies breastmilk (or when it's not available, formula) by bottle with those new-fangled orthodontic nipples. We'd really like to get them nursing primarily with bottled breastmilk filling in the gaps. Hopefully it will get easier as Sarah is able to produce more milk.

Anyway, I wanted to post this shot of the kids.

Napping while Mommy Sleeps

I had just fed, changed, and washed them, and got them all swaddled up for a nap. They do well right next to each other, and slept for most of three hours. Sarah also slept during this time, since she's dealing with sleep deprivation, recovering from a c-section, epidural, and spinal block, as well as producing milk. I didn't wake her for an hour and a half past when she told me to get her up, because I knew she needed the rest. I was able to feed/change/clean up/put down the kids so she could have another few hours without needing to worry about the babies. They're all asleep in our room now, as I was able to get the kids to sleep in the bassinet, something they resisted yesterday. So hopefully tonight will be easier. We pick up Sarah's mom tomorrow and head straight to the pediatrician for their post-discharge check-up, and of course we'll let you know how they're doing. As for me, I'm going to eat some dinner. Honey Bunches of Oats sounds good...

Homies and Shorties

So we came home from the hospital Wednesday afternoon. I picked up Sarah and the kids just before the next feeding was scheduled, but that takes an hour, so we just loaded up and headed home. It turns out we had to make a few stops, so they didn't get their food until almost 2 hours later. They didn't seem to mind, though, as it appears that riding in the car makes them sleepy. They hardly made a peep the whole drive home.

As you can tell by the timestamp, sleep won't be happening much for me tonight. For much of the night, Emma has been inconsolable. we've changed her diaper 3 times since 11 PM and have fed her, burped her, etc. Little Joe was doing pretty well, but he wouldn't lay down without fussing either. So I took the little man away and let Sarah work with Emma. After about an hour, he was consistently out (as long as he was held), so I swapped with her. Currently Emma is laying across my lap, completely sweet and asleep. And now Lil Joe is crying for Sarah. It just isn't right. Maybe he's hungry...

[Twenty minutes later]

It turns out that he, indeed, was hungry. So, I put Emma in her car seat, in which she is sleeping fantastically (owing, partly, to just having been fed by Sarah). I told Sarah to get some sleep, and brought the little man into the office with me and Emma and fed him some formula. We would like to feed them breast milk exclusively, but when they were in the hospital we couldn't wait for Sarah's milk to come in to feed them, as we needed to stop their weight loss. Now, unfortunately, rather than nurse, they like to take the easy way out and get syringe fed. Tonight we were able to feed them some pumped milk by syringe feeding, so we're trying to get them hooked on the taste of breast milk so that formula will be a last resort. It's a bit tougher with preemies, as nursing isn't quite as instinctive for them as it is for full-term babies.

Now everyone is sleeping away, Joseph comfortably on my lap, Emma in her carseat, and Sarah in our bed. At least until the next alarm goes off at 4:15 and Emma has to be fed...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Short Report

After losing a bit of weight since they've been born (which is completely normal, as many of you know), the twins have started to gain it back again. They're a little jaundiced right now, probably because they're not nursing as efficiently as they will shortly. We've been supplementing with formula, which we've always expected to have to do for the first little bit until Sarah can keep up. Already Little Joe has had to switch to a soy based formula as the cow's milk-based one curdles in his poor little tummy.

I got some good pictures since the blog post yesterday. There are many more in the Sweet Babies James set on flickr site, but some of these are too good to pass up for the blog.

This is a good one of Sarah and Emma. Their similarities are even more apparent in person, but this gives you a pretty good idea.

Sarah and Em

Here are our two little angels, all swaddled up and sleepy. Precious, no?

Two Sleepy Sibs

Finally, the best shot I've gotten so far. Such sweet babies!

A Kiss From Big Sister

Thanks again to everyone who has emailed and commented. We love you all and appreciate your interest in our little world. We should be coming home soon, but I'm not sure when we'll really be ready for visitors yet. We'll be learning how to juggle everything without the hospital staff around to help us out, so give us a little bit to get settled. It is our intention to keep the blog going so everyone can stay up to date.

But right now, this tired daddy is going to sleep.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Announcing: Emma Christina and Joseph Bedford

After 36 weeks and 2 days, Sarah's water broke around 2 AM, and in we went.

One Last Belly Shot

Our OB was the doc on call, and Emma and Joseph were born on December 9, 2007, at 5:04 and 5:05 AM respectively. At birth she weighed 5 lb, 2.4 oz, was 18.5" long, her head was 11.5" around, and her chest was 11" around. He weighed, 5 lb, 7 oz, was 18" long, his head was 13.25" around, and his chest was 11.25" around.

My Family

Emma's head is a little cone-shaped right now, a result of her long term engagement. She has Sarah's dimples and cheeks and definitely looks a lot like her mom.

Emma Likes Her Fingers

As my family said when they saw him, Little Joe looks like I did when I was born, except he's not ugly. Seriously. I have quite the reputation for looking like a little old man as a newborn. The nurses in the delivery room said he looked like a miniature 9-year old.

Mommy's Little Man

They've already been visited by grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, great aunts, and a few friends. And the only people I called after they were born were my parents and my pastor at church, figuring both were excellent methods of spreading the news, absent an Internet connection at the hospital.

Papa with Little Joe and Emma

Since they're technically premature, they don't quite have nursing down just yet. They're making progress, though, and we're working with the lactation specialist for some hints and tips. Thankfully, they won't require time in the NICU, although they will need more care once they get home than other newborns, due to being early.

While this has all been very exciting, it's really exhausting. I hear the knowing chuckles of all you parents out there, but feeding two newborns every 2 hours is a lot more hectic than feeding 1. Especially since my preemies aren't good at it yet. Sarah and I are both whipped out. I'm writing this post enjoying my first meal of the day, and I've been up for a long time. We are definitely taking advantage of the nursery staff being there so we can catch a little shut-eye every now and again.

If all goes according to plan, we should be able to go home Wednesday afternoon. Sarah's mom is coming in on Friday through the holidays, and we'll appreciate the extra help around the house. She also has been doing her OB rotation in nursing school, so we'll have an expert around (all you moms out there, that's half a joke, because most of you have become "experts" by now).

I've only included a few pictures in this post, but there are may more on my flickr site for you to look over. New photos will also be added to this set in the future. Thanks to all of you for your prayers. Our babies truly are miracles. Please forgive me if I can't return your call or email immediately, but know that we are appreciative and are blessed to count you all as friends.

Stay tuned!

Friday, December 7, 2007

36 weeks

Since over 50% of twins are born before 36 weeks of gestation, Joseph and Emma have really beat the odds. That's pretty amazing considering what we've been through so far. I was hoping to pop out a few babies that first night after the doctor's appointment that allowed me to stop taking the anti-contraction meds. Unfortunately, I only got 4-5 hours of consistent contractions that were about 7-8 min apart. Then, they went to about 10 minutes apart. After about 12 hours they returned to their normal 2-3 an hour. Maybe they'll come back today...Fridays are good days to have babies, right??? :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Doctor's Appointment

We just got back from another doctor's appointment. Everything looked great, as always, and the doc gave me the okay to stop taking my anti-contraction meds...starting tomorrow. He said he's heading to Mobile this afternoon, but is on call tomorrow night. So to increase the chances of him doing the c-section, I'll be drugged until tomorrow.
We couldn't get pictures from the ultrasounds today because both babies were uncooperative and choose not to look in the correct direction. Also, my belly, which is over 4 feet in circumference, now measures the size of a 45 week singleton pregnancy. Ugh!