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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sir Thanksalot

I just wanted to take this time to acknowledge the kind and wonderful people who have been helping us through this time of excitement and exhaustion. First of all, Sarah's mom is here, pulling more than her share of the load taking care of the kiddies. I'd say I don't know what we'd do without her, but I do know. The first two days they were home is how it would be, and that was insane. In addition, people have prepared us some delicious meals, as we have very little time, even with three of us, to put together any food. When we get a break, sleep almost always wins over food, and when food does win, it has to be convenient, as we won't take the time to prepare it. Thanks also to the many who bought us preemie clothes (we go through several outfits a day, sadly) as all the newborn clothes are still too big. Many of you have also called to see how we were doing, and we appreciate your concern and welcome your prayers for the very best for Emma and Joseph. I mentioned her before, but we really appreciate Aunt Jessica for going the extra mile and getting the birth announcements done in record time, at personal cost to her sleep. Thanks also to the family and friends who have responded to our requests for help so that one of us (Sarah has priority, as she has to make milk and take care of babies and get healed up from surgery) can get some sleep every now and again. I've definitely benefited from this and am very thankful. A great deal of thanks to my coworkers who donated me their personal annual leave so that I might stay home and help care for the babies and my wife. I was facing leave without pay, otherwise, and I don't know how to thank you, except to tell you that you've really been a lifesaver. May God richly bless you for your generosity.

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