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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Photo Shoot

The babies had a big day on Sunday. It was time for their first official photo shoot, courtesy of their Aunt Jessica. It was quite a production. First, we had to heat the room where the photos were going to be shot, since we didn't want cold, unhappy babies. We also got them all dolled up in their little Christmas outfits, since these photos were for our birth announcements/Christmas cards.

Little Joe's outfit made him look a bit like a Christmas convict (because he stole your heart... ha... ha ha...). His stripes matched quite well with the hat of the Classic Christmas Pooh we had to pose them with.

Emma's was a bit less distracting and was all red (girl, don't you know red makes your hips look big?!). We had to find a bow for her to top the outfit off (and to make sure everyone knew she was a girl). We'll get you some of those photos in a later post.

As it turns out, most of the best photos really weren't with their outfits on at all, but were the au natural photos. This one of Emma features her crooked little smile, which is difficult to get on film, but Jess caught it.

We took ones in their outfits first, so they were wore slap out (I love colloquialisms, don't you?) by the time the nekkid pictures were shot. They were tired babies. I wish I could tell you how they slept that night, or anything useful at all, but I have no clue. The days and nights have all run together. If it weren't for the faithful entries in the feeding/changing log I'd have no idea who ate what, how much, and when, much less who peed or pooped a lot. Fussy nights rarely get a mention, as we're too tired to think to record them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be more than happy to take pictures of your gorgeous babies now and FOREVER! I love my little niece and nephew so much! By the way LOVE your envelope story ... didn't I warn you? hehe! I'm so glad that it worked out in the end! :)