Pregnancy Ticker


Monday, December 10, 2007

Announcing: Emma Christina and Joseph Bedford

After 36 weeks and 2 days, Sarah's water broke around 2 AM, and in we went.

One Last Belly Shot

Our OB was the doc on call, and Emma and Joseph were born on December 9, 2007, at 5:04 and 5:05 AM respectively. At birth she weighed 5 lb, 2.4 oz, was 18.5" long, her head was 11.5" around, and her chest was 11" around. He weighed, 5 lb, 7 oz, was 18" long, his head was 13.25" around, and his chest was 11.25" around.

My Family

Emma's head is a little cone-shaped right now, a result of her long term engagement. She has Sarah's dimples and cheeks and definitely looks a lot like her mom.

Emma Likes Her Fingers

As my family said when they saw him, Little Joe looks like I did when I was born, except he's not ugly. Seriously. I have quite the reputation for looking like a little old man as a newborn. The nurses in the delivery room said he looked like a miniature 9-year old.

Mommy's Little Man

They've already been visited by grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, great aunts, and a few friends. And the only people I called after they were born were my parents and my pastor at church, figuring both were excellent methods of spreading the news, absent an Internet connection at the hospital.

Papa with Little Joe and Emma

Since they're technically premature, they don't quite have nursing down just yet. They're making progress, though, and we're working with the lactation specialist for some hints and tips. Thankfully, they won't require time in the NICU, although they will need more care once they get home than other newborns, due to being early.

While this has all been very exciting, it's really exhausting. I hear the knowing chuckles of all you parents out there, but feeding two newborns every 2 hours is a lot more hectic than feeding 1. Especially since my preemies aren't good at it yet. Sarah and I are both whipped out. I'm writing this post enjoying my first meal of the day, and I've been up for a long time. We are definitely taking advantage of the nursery staff being there so we can catch a little shut-eye every now and again.

If all goes according to plan, we should be able to go home Wednesday afternoon. Sarah's mom is coming in on Friday through the holidays, and we'll appreciate the extra help around the house. She also has been doing her OB rotation in nursing school, so we'll have an expert around (all you moms out there, that's half a joke, because most of you have become "experts" by now).

I've only included a few pictures in this post, but there are may more on my flickr site for you to look over. New photos will also be added to this set in the future. Thanks to all of you for your prayers. Our babies truly are miracles. Please forgive me if I can't return your call or email immediately, but know that we are appreciative and are blessed to count you all as friends.

Stay tuned!


JLE said...

congratulations! they look so alert. i wish i could come by and say hi. we're so happy for you four!

-jennifer and jesse

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Wish I could be there.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you two. :)

Jon Burchell said...

Absolutely fantastic news from all at Team Burchell! We're so happy for you. Your babies look wonderful and they are a good weight for twins. You should be very proud of them for hanging in there so long!

Everyone becomes an advice expert to a new Mum. However, as new parents of twins ourselves we're probably better placed than most. So, I have two pieces of advice for you:

1) You and the babies are going to need all the help you can get. Don't feel guilty about leaving them in the nursery at the hospital so you can get some rest or asking for help.

2) In the first few weeks, keep visitors to an absolute minimum. EVERYONE will want to come and see them but don't feel guilty about keeping people away. There's plenty of time and you will need time to settle in. We spent the first 4 weeks almost permanently in the bedroom as it was easier than going downstairs!

But, above all, ENJOY your babies - they look gorgeous. We'll be looking forward to reading your blog over the coming months (and years?) - All the best from

Unknown said...

I'm so excited for you guys, Hopefully we'll be able to come visit Saturday if that's ok!? Can I spread the word around work?

Fred Olson said...

Welcome Joseph and Emma, you have been a long time coming for your parents. Thank God not too soon though. God bless you all.

Grandpa Olson