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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Nanook The Newborn

Just a quick update before we head to Chicago with the twinks for the weekend. Both babies are over 10 lbs now, and Emma has finally passed Joseph by 5 oz. He's still dealing with some thrush and acid reflux, but the thrush should be cleared up very soon so eating will be less unpleasant for him.

Auntie Nicole and Uncle Matthew got the twins some good, hearty, Northern, winter clothes for the weekend, as we don't have anything down here remotely warm enough for Chicago in February. Thanks a lot to them, and we'll be sure to get some pix of them all bundled up.

Let's see, what else... Joseph is in the 10th percentile for weight (which isn't bad for being a preemie) but his head is bigger than the 50th. Emma is just the opposite. They're both becoming very responsive and starting to smile and play. Emma's a little more giving on that front, but you can get them from Joseph every now and again. Hopefully their family members from the Northern climes will get to experience the good versions of the twins...

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