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Saturday, February 2, 2008

They're Getting Bigger

I took the kids into the doctor on Wednesday...he needed meds for thrush and she has had the worst diaper rash ever (a side effect of the milk protein allergy). Joseph now weighs 9 lbs, 6 oz while Emma is just a bit behind him at 9 lbs, 4 oz. It's funny that they look SO big to me now. My friend's baby was born at 9 lbs 8 oz...I can't imagine starting off with a baby that big!!

We're fortunate to have had a bit of a break last night and the night before. Our friends, Deborah and Ruth, have spent the night so we can have it a bit easier. Generally it's one of us with two babies, which is tough when both are crying or both are sick (that has been the case lately). A one on one ratio of kids to adults makes life a lot easier.

Little Joe has been officially diagnosed with the same milk protein allergy as Emma. Again, it's all types of, goat, sheep, cow, me. My milk is because of what I consume. I cut out as much as possible from my diet so I could continue breastfeeding them, but it didn't work. So now they are on an expensive specialty formula called Nutramigen. If anyone knows how to get this formula cheaply, let us know. Right now its costing us about 25 dollars per day to feed them. And I thought diapers were going to be expensive!!!

I'll ask Joseph to post some more recent pics of Little Joe and Emma. Emma now has a triple chin, but it's tough to see beyond her cheeks! Little Joe is really looking cute now that he has clear skin.
Babies are starting to fuss, so I better go make up a couple of bottles!

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