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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Doctor Appointment and Poopsplosions

Friday (12/14) was a big day for everyone. The kids had their first visit with a pediatrician, which meant our first excursion out since they've been home. The appointment was ~40 minutes away. We started getting ready 2.5 hours ahead of time. And we still barely made it. Sarah's mom was flying into town at the exact time of the appointment. Luckily, my dad was away for work all week had just flown in an hour before, so he picked her up for us. Chaotic enough, yet?

Little Joe had quite a time. First, they stripped him down to get a weight. Easy enough, but he was unhappy. Then, they took his temp, rectally, of course. He quieted up for a second, which we found curious. Then they pulled out the thermometer (you can see where this is going, right?). So that was our first poopsplosion. While we tried to get him into a new diaper, he started peeing, and lemmie tell ya, the kid's got a good stream. So there went that diaper. We started putting another one on him and, guess what, more poop. Unbelievable. He was already into his remaining outfit and we hadn't even seen the doctor yet. Emma was much more cooperative. We did have to change a diaper, but without the dramatics.

So the babies were still below their birth weight, but the doc wasn't worried. They were eating regularly and doing their business, and they have 2 weeks to get back to their birth weights before anyone will be concerned. They were also a tad bit jaundiced, but the doc said that as long as they continue to eat as much as they do it will get cleared out of their system, and that the levels weren't high enough to warrant any special attention.

While she was examining the babies, Joe Joe decided it was time for more theatrics. This time, he started peeing, on the doctor, on the wall, everywhere. We stopped it as best we could and took him over to the sink to clean up, where he promptly started pooping. We finally got him cleaned up and back to the doc, and he started peeing again. It really was like being in a Jerry Lewis movie (or a Ben Stiller movie, for the younger generation out there).

Once it was all over, they slept like, well, babies, the whole drive home.

They have another appointment on Thursday, so hopefully we'll see some gains in weight. The definitely are eating more, although they still won't nurse. This is ok, because Sarah is able to pump enough breast milk so that we rarely need formula anymore (which is good, because they don't like formula nearly as well).

1 comment:

Jon Burchell said...

I'll refer you to my 'Things we've learnt in the last 3 weeks' post on our blog.

With two boys, the peeing is virtually non-stop....