Pregnancy Ticker


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Short Report

After losing a bit of weight since they've been born (which is completely normal, as many of you know), the twins have started to gain it back again. They're a little jaundiced right now, probably because they're not nursing as efficiently as they will shortly. We've been supplementing with formula, which we've always expected to have to do for the first little bit until Sarah can keep up. Already Little Joe has had to switch to a soy based formula as the cow's milk-based one curdles in his poor little tummy.

I got some good pictures since the blog post yesterday. There are many more in the Sweet Babies James set on flickr site, but some of these are too good to pass up for the blog.

This is a good one of Sarah and Emma. Their similarities are even more apparent in person, but this gives you a pretty good idea.

Sarah and Em

Here are our two little angels, all swaddled up and sleepy. Precious, no?

Two Sleepy Sibs

Finally, the best shot I've gotten so far. Such sweet babies!

A Kiss From Big Sister

Thanks again to everyone who has emailed and commented. We love you all and appreciate your interest in our little world. We should be coming home soon, but I'm not sure when we'll really be ready for visitors yet. We'll be learning how to juggle everything without the hospital staff around to help us out, so give us a little bit to get settled. It is our intention to keep the blog going so everyone can stay up to date.

But right now, this tired daddy is going to sleep.


Anonymous said...

These photos are the "best ever!" to quote someone dear and near to us....


Anonymous said...

To qoute another near and dear those pictures are "far out man!"