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Saturday, December 29, 2007


The twinkies were discharged from the hospital this afternoon. Their temperatures were normal and their other symptoms had disappeared. The doctor sent them home a day early because they were doing so well that he didn't want them to pick up a nosocomial infection.

I noticed in Sarah's post earlier that she didn't include the good news from the visit to the doctor yesterday. Emma weighed 6 lb 8 oz and Joseph weighed 6 lb 11 oz. That's up essentially a pound each from 8 days earlier at their last appointment, or twice the expected rate for children on breastmilk rather than formula. This was also why the doctor wasn't too worried about them when he admitted them, even though, by law, he had to admit them because of their age and their symptoms.

We're very excited to have them back. Although everyone got a good night's sleep, it would have been a lot cheaper and a lot less stressful to hire someone to take care of them if we needed it that badly. So thanks to everyone for their prayers. Our kids have benefited from them for many months now, and we are very grateful.

P.S. "Nosocomial" has long been one of my favorite words and I was excited to be able to use it in a sentence. Yes, I'm weird, but you knew that, didn't you?


Unknown said...

Happy to hear they are back home again :)

Unknown said...

Three cheers for the Twinkies!

GranJan said...

I want to hear and see about their first Christmas even if I was there. :)

Anonymous said...

Aunt Gina asked about their "first social outing". Don't think she knows how to comment on the blog....