Pregnancy Ticker


Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Sometime early today we will have had our 2000th visit since we started counting, and over 1000 of those have been in the last month. I guess it's true what they say, if you want more traffic on your blog, you have to write more.

Things are still going well on the baby front. An ultrasound was done on Monday but we haven't heard any results. In our situation, no news is good news. We don't have any pictures this week, and probably won't from here on out. They're just too big to get many shots of anything recognizable any more.

In other news, Sarah's belly, has shifted lower than it was as recently as a couple of days ago. She isn't having more contractions, and the shift is not unexpected for how far along she is, but I was impressed with how noticeable it was. It seems Lil' Joe has lots of room in there right now because they have to keep moving the heart monitors to find him. Emma, on the other hand, is pretty much locked in place and can't move around so much.

Sarah's feeling is that if we make it to 33 weeks (Thursday), then she's going to be in the hospital over Thanksgiving. She is feeling ambivalent about this, because she's so tired of being in the hospital (we're over 2 weeks now) but she wants to be able to come home with the babies with as little time in the NICU as possible. Hopefully we'll only have one baby the next time around, and she won't have to go through all this again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We'll keep praying for you all! Glad things are going well and the babies are hanging in there. God's blessings-