Pregnancy Ticker


Monday, November 19, 2007

Hang In There, Baby

As is his custom,the OB came by the room this morning around 6:30 to see how everything was going. Sarah asked him, since we're almost at 34 weeks, how long did she have to hang in there. He replied that the good news was that she'd be there over Thanksgiving and that they'd love her to get to 38 weeks.

As soon as he walked out, Sarah promptly cried.

She'll have been admitted 3 weeks tomorrow. To get to 38 weeks would be another 4+ weeks. Not fun. But, we know that every day she's in decreases the chances the babies will have to stay in the NICU, so it's a trade-off. As the nurses said the other day, they've never seen a pregnant woman in Sarah's condition that wasn't ready to cease being pregnant.

Ultrasounds were done today to track the growth of the babies. Got a couple of pictures worth sharing.

Here is Joseph blowing bubbles in profile.


This is a cute one of Emma flexing her bicep. Her humerus is horizontal on the bottom, elbow to the left, hand up and right from the elbow.


Both babies were practicing their breathing throughout the ultrasound. They were also fidgeting around quite a bit, Joseph more than Emma, since he has more room. We also got approximate weights. The calculation for Joseph's weight was 4 lbs 8 oz. Emma is a little bit tougher to measure, because her head is so low. She measured out at 4 lbs. 2 oz. The tech told us that it is likely that they are really closer in size, and that Emma's measurements are less precise, because of her position in the uterus.

So we'll spend Thanksgiving in the hospital, one way or another. Sarah's mom will be flying down to visit for the holiday, so that will be nice. She also appreciates phone calls, as it's pretty boring in the hospital. If she's not feeling well, she'll try to let you know if she's not up to talking. We appreciate all the prayers and well wishes. It won't be too long now.

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