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Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Dark Night

Sarah seems to be able to get some sleep during the day, but the nights are pretty rough right now. They've had to give her something for the pain AND for contractions the last two nights. They've already prescribed something for the contractions tonight, it just hasn't gotten to the room yet. For Sarah it can't come soon enough.

Last night was the first I stayed overnight that wasn't in the Labor and Delivery section, but in the antepartum room. The so-called cot they have in there is probably worse than what they're allowed to use at Gitmo. Still, due to my exhaustion, I slept for several hours. Today I swung by Target and got a memory foam topper for the mattress, and it's SO much better. Once I shake this migraine I should get a decent night's sleep.

In medical news, Sarah is still only 1-2 cm dilated, which is excellent because it hasn't progressed. Also, the babies' responses to everything has been phenomenal. They haven't responded negatively to any of the treatments. They also have been responding to the contractions just like they should, with their heart rates increasing during the contractions(if the heart rates stayed the same or decreased they would indicate fetal distress). So everything looks excellent with them.

We're going to do our best to keep Sarah pregnant as long as possible to minimize the babies' stay in the NICU. Unfortunately for Sarah, what this means is that she starts getting the pain that would be expected for someone about to deliver. But then they administer the treatments to stop it, which means she gets to start all over again next time. It really isn't fair, but she'll keep doing as long as she can.

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