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Monday, November 26, 2007

Yes, I'm STILL pregnant...

...and I really know it is a good thing. The babies get much bigger every day, and I'm now hoping they'll be at least 5lbs each when they come. Having said that, I'm tired of having contractions (working on 4 weeks of going into and stopping labor), I'm tired of being on bedrest (going on 2.5 months now), and I'm tired of being amazed at how big my belly can really get!

My mom was here for the weekend to visit, so I had a nice change of pace. I also went to my in-laws for Thanksgiving, even though I was supposed to be in bed. I stayed in a recliner most of the time, but it was nice to see everyone. I was so thankful that I was not in the hospital for the weekend. Three weeks of being poked and prodded, and staring at the same pink walls was not my idea of a good time. I got to leave my room once a week for an ultrasound, and that's it.

Within a few hours of being admitted to the hospital, they put me on the magnesium sulfate and couldn't get my contractions down. Magnesium sulfate is considered the drug of last resort to stop contractions. I had about 8 contractions an hour on the magnesium sulfate. The nurses mentioned that it would be very unlikely for me to continue the pregnancy after they pulled me off the magnesium sulfate. The first hour off of the drug I had 6 contractions and only 3 in the second hour. I was thrilled and thankful to have some divine intervention.

Some drugs from the doctor ease your discomfort, then there's magnesium sulfate. I noticed they hooked about 5 bags to my IV stand and the nurse got one of the little bins for me to get sick in. I got an idea that this might not be the most pleasant experience of my life. The nurse then explained to me the first 30 minutes would be the worst because they needed to get a certain amount into my system very quickly. I would have very bad flu-like symptoms, but they would only keep me on it until the steroid shots could take effect for the babies. So about an hour later, my body felt as if it was bruised everywhere, I was amazingly dizzy, and fairly groggy. I think my nasuea was better than most situations, because I didn't get sick, I just couldn't eat for the two days I was on the magnesium. I also hadn't eaten the entire day before, which may have helped. The things the nurse didn't mentions is the extreme anxiety being on the magnesium can cause, and the hallucinations. Not too pleasant at all.

Contractions have continued the entire time since then, some fairly severe. Sometimes they are organized and consistent and sometimes they are random. Random contractions are better, because they generally indicate false labor, not the real thing. Every time a I had a new nurse helping me, she would get concerned with the contractions, but here I am, three weeks later, still pregnant. No one expected that...not even our doctors.

Well, that's a little info from my perspective. I'm supposed to be in bed (cheating again), but I wanted to share some of the craziness I've been through. I'm so thankful that we've had the Lord intervene on our behalf so many times now. I'm looking forward to seeing my babies and being able to walk across the house without having a contraction!!

1 comment:

Jon Burchell said...

It's sounds like you've had a horrible few weeks - You poor thing. You've got to keep focussed on those babies though. They'll be with you soon enough but the longer they can hang on in there the better for everyone. Jon (