Pregnancy Ticker


Friday, November 2, 2007

You Can't Go Home Again

Sarah called this morning. The doctor had been by to check her out, and she asked when he thought she might be able to go home. He just smiled and told her, "after you have the babies." So, however long it takes, Sarah will be residing at the hospital for a while. I'm gathering together some books and movies to keep her entertained, as it could be weeks before she can leave.

They've got her back on the terbutaline to curb the contractions (she had a couple good ones this morning), but not on the magnesium sulfate, thankfully. She welcomes visitors at this time. Just be sure to call ahead. Her room is near a window so she gets halfway decent cell reception, but she can give you the direct number to the room when you call.

Just don't call about anything stressful or upsetting. We're doing everything possible to minimize contractions, and stress can contribute to the number and severity of contractions. Everyone think happy thoughts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Joseph,
It's Nina in Pensacola. I've been really enjoying the daily blogs! Thanks for keeping us all posted. What I wanted to know -- Is Sarah in Sacred Heart? I hadn't heard either way, and I thought maybe since she was high risk they might have her over here. I would love to drop in to see her if she's up to it. Thanks!

My email is