Pregnancy Ticker


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

November Surprise

The high risk doc came by this morning (having reviewed the ultrasounds from yesterday), and decided that the babies looked so good that Sarah could go home, as long as she stuck to strict bedrest. So this morning she came home. It's her first day outside in 3 weeks, so she is elated to be home. The doc joked that they were sending her home so she could go into labor and come right back. Hopefully that won't be the case for a little bit. We have the meds to fight the contractions off if they reach a certain level, and lots of instructions. So things are looking very good. The votes for after Thanksgiving are looking better and better.


Anonymous said...

I am so happpy for you guys. It must seem like you won a prize. gods blessings on all of you!!!

Anonymous said...

Definately a lot to be thankful for!

Happy Thanksgiving,


Anonymous said...

Congrats!! Happy Thanksgiving!! I keep checking to see if we have babies yet!! Hope you all make it as long as possible! Christa