Pregnancy Ticker


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

So It Goes

I'm not sure if I mentioned it before on here, but the plan is for Sarah to have a cesarean once she's 4 cm dilated. The biggest reason for the cesarean is so that she doesn't deliver both ways, as sometimes with twins the first is delivered without incident but there is something amiss for the second so they have to do the c-section.

So she asked the docs today when they were going to check her dilation again. The answer? They're not. They fear that the process of checking will be detrimental to the condition of the cervix, and they don't want to cause premature labor. So, essentially, they'll do the c-section if (a)contractions become steadier and stronger, (b)the babies are distressed, (c)the water breaks for one of the babies, or (d)Sarah is in a dangerous condition.

Tomorrow is 33 weeks, which made our high-risk doc very happy. Full term for twins is generally 36 weeks, so we really only have 3 weeks to go at the outside. The twins have been growing more quickly than singletons for their gestational age, but this is the time period where they start slowing down, because they're almost out of room. This is OK, because they're essentially as long as they're going to be, they're just putting on fat (0.23-.46 kg/week)* and learning how to breathe.

*If you're not sure how kg and lb relate, there are a little more than 2 kg/lb. Also, any time you need a quick conversion, you can use the Google toolbar as a calculator. For example, if you enter "0.23kg in lb", the next page will give you the results of your calculation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally understand! One of my colleagues wife just had twins after her first in vitro and had one baby vaginally and one via c-section. Not fun!